What New Moms Should Pack in Their Hospital Bag (2024)

Congratulations are in order, but are your bags?

Planning to bring home a new bundle can be a bit surreal, but packing for your hospital stay doesn't have to be. I've cared for new moms and newborns for more than 40 years, so I've got some experience with what you'll need (and what you won't) while in the hospital.

What New Moms Should Pack in Their Hospital Bag (1)

How to easily prepare for your hospital stay

Don't bring the kitchen sink

Planning for the unexpected can often leave moms-to-be packing for every scenario. A few basics will typically get you through. The majority of new moms go home within three days, so plan for that length of time with your clothing and toiletries.

Small babies need little

In the hospital, blankets and onesies are typically provided. If you'd like to bring baby his/her own clothes to wear during your stay or a special outfit, please do so, but it isn't required. Don't forget a seasonally-appropriate outfit for baby to wear home!

Glamour is out the window

Many moms bring their full makeup routine, but often find they’d rather spend their time caring for baby and resting before going home. I'd avoid extras if you can. Your first shower after birth isn't always a glamorous experience, so you might bring a nice smelling soap or shampoo that will make you feel slightly pampered. A shower cap is also a good idea too, if you do not want to wash your hair. In addition, I'd recommend open-toed flip flops or slippers for mom's swollen feet, as well as a suitable bra.

Most hospitals offer complimentary items like pads and non-slip socks for mom, as well as caps, shirts and swaddles, as mentioned above, for baby. These basics are all you'll need while focusing on caring for your post-birth body and newborn. You can ask during your birth center tour what's provided and what's not.

Be comfortable

If there is an appropriate garment, music or pillow that will make you feel at home and comfortable either during or after birth, bring it. If it's irreplaceable, however I'd leave it at home.

Use the hospital time to practice

If you have items like breast pumps and breastfeeding pillows, bring them to the hospital to practice-- it's a great time to test them out. On site lactation consultants can advise you on their use and help you get comfortable before taking baby home. It's also a great time to truly learn how to swaddle baby and possibly practice with a blanket of your own. However, as a safety precaution, thick blankets cannot be used.

Leave the distractions at home

You'll want to capture these early moments on camera and possibly FaceTime loved ones who are far away, but you won't need a whole office set up to do so. Bring what you need to document these wonderful memories, but trust me when I say you won't want to have to carry any extra, breakable items home. Most importantly, don't forget your phone charger.

Don't forget the paperwork

Be sure to bring your ID, insurance cards and other necessary paperwork to make your discharge a breeze. Many hospitals also require you to choose a pediatrician ahead of time, so you may have other required information to provide during your stay. And at our hospital, we also require a check or money order if you'd like the birth certificate processed by our registrar. Be sure to plan ahead with your hospital of choice.

Safety is always first

Before bringing baby home you'll have to properly install an infant-approved car seat in your vehicle. Plan to do so a couple of weeks ahead of your due date, just in case. If you need help with car seat installation, many fire departments offer this as a complimentary service.

Partners should prep too

Your partner can also prepare with items to make him or her comfortable during your stay. A change of clothes, slippers, pajamas, toiletries and a pillow should be plenty for the average length of stay.

Everyone's needs are different, but most moms (and babies) have the same basic requirements while away from home. It can be a little stressful welcoming a new family member to the world, but I hope you'll try to enjoy the sweet, quiet time while you are both being cared for in the hospital.

Shannon Roberts, BSN, RN, RNC-OB, is the Director of Women's Services. She previously served as Unit Directoronunit, where she worked for more than 20 years. She received her Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree at Old Dominion University in Norfolk and also is certified in inpatient obstetrics. She began her tenure at CRH as a candy striper at age 14.

What New Moms Should Pack in Their Hospital Bag (2024)


What New Moms Should Pack in Their Hospital Bag? ›

Toiletries and personal items

What should moms pack in their hospital bag? ›

Be prepared with a few nursing bras or other comfortable, well-fitting bras. Toiletries. Don't forget tissues, a hairbrush, a comb, deodorant, a toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, a hairdryer, hair clips, and hair ties. Pack a plastic bag to pop dirty clothes in.

What should a woman pack in her hospital bag? ›

2 packets of super-absorbent sanitary or maternity pads. your wash bag – with toothpaste, toothbrush, hairbrush, flannel, soap, lip balm, deodorant, hair bands, hand sanitiser, body lotion and anything else you need. an eye mask may help you sleep on the brightly lit ward. towels.

What should be in the hospital bag for baby? ›

Hospital bag checklist for your baby

Most hospitals provide long-sleeved baby shirts, infant hats, and swaddling blankets for newborns to wear. But you'll want to bring an outfit for your baby to go home in. Make sure it has legs (so not a baby gown) so the car seat strap can fit between them easily. Car seat.

What should parents pack when going to the hospital to have a baby? ›

You'll want your hairbrush, regular or dry shampoo, toothbrush and toothpaste, deodorant, lip balm, body lotion, extra hair ties and face wipes (Babylist parents recommend these in case you're not up to showering right away). Remember extra contact lenses (plus contact lens solution) and/or glasses, if you wear them.

What not to pack in a hospital bag? ›

Here's what not to bring to the hospital when you're ready to deliver: Too much clothing for you or the baby. Choose one outfit each and leave the rest at home. Valuables.

What should I pack in my hospital overnight bag? ›

Comfort is key, so when you're packing, remember pajamas, a robe, front-button shirts, sweatpants or leggings, non-slip socks or slippers, a pair of shower shoes or flip flops, and a hoodie or cardigan. You'll need clothes to wear home with a pair of comfortable shoes.

Do you wear a bra during labor? ›

A lot of mothers want breast coverage while they deliver, which is completely understandable, and you can keep your bra on during labor if you want. However, we recommend wearing a simple bra that is comfortable and easy to remove.

When to start packing a hospital bag? ›

But if you're a planner like me and want to be ready for your little one's arrival, I'd suggest having your hospital bag packed between 36 and 38 weeks. If you are considered a high-risk pregnancy, for example, if you're having multiples (congrats!), you probably want to have your bag packed around 35 weeks.

What do babies wear right after birth? ›

Most hospitals prefer to dress babies simply, either in just a diaper and swaddled in a flannel blanket, or in a side-snap bodysuit or basic gown (all of these items will be provided for you).

Should I bring a swaddle to the hospital? ›

Car seat: Bring your infant car seat to the hospital, as most hospitals won't allow you to leave without one. 5. Swaddle blankets: Many hospitals provideswaddle blankets, but you may want to bring your own if you have a preference.

How many bags do you need for hospital birth? ›

Most people need two hospital bags — one for mum and another for the baby. However, you should keep in mind that hospital rooms are often quite small. If you would like an extra bag with postpartum essentials and clothes, you can potentially leave that one in the car and have someone bring it to you later.

Should I bring my boppy to the hospital? ›

Make a plan for breastfeeding.

If you desire to breastfeed, bring items to make the process more comfortable. We recommend that you bring a feeding pillow, like My Breast Friend or a Boppy, as well as the breast pump you plan to use.

Should I pack a pacifier in my hospital bag? ›

Pacifiers. Some hospitals may supply these, but you can bring your own—or some cute pacifier holders so they don't get lost! Bottles. If you plan to bottle-feed your newborn, don't forget baby bottles.

What are the best snacks to bring to the hospital for labor? ›

Some of the best snacks for labour include:

Wholegrain toast, biscuits and crackers. Energy bars (be sure to check the sugar content). Breadsticks. Dried fruits and nuts.

What to bring to the hospital for someone who just had a baby? ›

In conclusion, a new mom in the hospital will appreciate any gift that can make her stay more comfortable and relaxed. Gifts like a cozy robe, slippers, nursing pillow, blanket, and compression socks can help her feel more at home.

What to bring to labor and delivery? ›

After You Deliver
  • Fresh nightgown.
  • Cell phone/charger or prepaid phone card.
  • List of family and friends to call.
  • Toiletries.
  • Nursing or regular bras.
  • Maternity underpants (with heavy-duty sanitary pads at home). Stretch panties are provided.
  • Photos of your other children.
  • Notepad or journal and pen.

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