What do Newborns Wear in the Hospital? (2024)

Packing a bag to take to the hospital is a third trimester rite of passage. A quick Google search turns up plenty of packing guides and strategies for what you should pack, but what do you need for your baby? Are you supposed to bring diapers? Blankets? Clothes? How do I know how to bring when I have no idea what size they'll be?What do newborn babies need in the hospital, and what are you responsible to bring with you?

Of course, you can bring anything you think you’d like to have with you, but in true Poppylist fashion, we’ve narrowed it down to a handful of basic items that will be optimally helpful (and take up just a little bit of space in your bag) from baby coming-home outfits to swaddles.

Newborn Swaddles or Gowns

What do Newborns Wear in the Hospital? (1)

So, what DO newborns wear in the hospital? Surprisingly to some, you’re not responsible for bringing outfits for your baby to wear during your hospital stay. Most hospitals prefer to dress babies simply, either in just a diaper and swaddled in a flannel blanket, or in a side-snap bodysuit or basic gown (all of these items will be provided for you). This is preferred because nurses, pediatricians, pediatric specialists and other care providers will be by your room frequently to perform vital sign checks and other newborn procedures. Non complicated outfits are key, and frankly, more comfortable for your baby (who has never worn clothes!).

Poppylist parents love the newborn swaddle blankets from Lou Lou &Co.

Bassinet Sheet and Receiving Blanket

After baby is safely earth-side, your hospital will supply you with everything your newborn needs to be safe, warm, and comfortable during the duration of your stay. This includes a bassinet, flannel blankets/swaddles, diapers, and even little hats. There’s no expectation or responsibility to bring these items with you, but many parents like to bring a few comfort items from home. A bassinet sheet and receiving blanket are the most common nice-to-have items, especially if you want to take styled photos of your baby to share with excited family and friends.

We love these baby blankets from Kyte Baby. They're cut from bamboo rayon, and are super cozy and buttery soft to the touch. The stretchy material is warm, breathable, and perfect for cuddling your newborn baby! It comes in over 20 colors, too!

We'd suggest washing all outfits, blankets, and swaddles in hypoallergenic detergent before bringing them to the hospital, as packaging/manufacturing can often cause the fabric to irritate your baby's sensitive skin. Here's one option from Seventh Generation.

Baby Coming Home Outfit

But there is one outfit that’s important to have— the going home outfit for baby. Most parents like to pick out something special for this first outfit, but it’s completely up to your preference and taste. Keep in mind the baby’s umbilical cord stump will likely be clamped, so side-snap bodysuits, tops with tie closures, or gowns will be easiest and most comfortable. And, since it’s impossible to size accurately for a newborn, having a few options on hand (maybe one in 'newborn' size, and one in 0-3 months)is a good way to be assured you’ve got something that will fit. Parents also sometimes try to coordinate their robes/pajamas with their newborns, so that's an option too (but of course up to personal preference)

We've curated our favorite new baby outfits to bring them home in style (and comfort):

Baby Girl Coming-Home Outfit

  1. Footed Onesie in Peony by Bonsie Baby (Use promo code POPPYLIST for 12% off!)
  2. Matching Swaddle &Top Knot in Foam Stripes by MakeMake Organics
  3. Newborn Footie &Hat by Little Me Baby
  4. 100%Organic Cotton One-Piece Coverall &Hat by Burts Bees Baby

Baby Boy Coming-Home Outfit

  1. Organic Cotton Kimono Onsie &Pant Set:in Plaid by Make Make Organics
  2. Baby Bundle Bag Set in Star by Bonsie Baby (Use promo code POPPYLIST for 12% off!)
  3. 100% Organic Cotton One-Piece &Hat by Burts Bees Baby
  4. Unisex Layette Set by Monica &Andy

If you're having a rainbow baby, then this is the Primary rainbow stripe set going-home outfit your newborn baby needs! Need more guidance on building your newborn wardrobe? Check out our comprehensive article and checklist here.

More Hospital Essentials

Car Seat

There’s one item you’re required to bring to your hospital birth–the car seat. Don’t forget it, as the hospital will not discharge you without it. If convenient, you can leave it in your car during labor and delivery, and your birthing partner can fetch it once you’re ready to buckle up baby and head home.

The hospital will have someone on staff who will come into your room at some point during your recovery stay to inspect the seat and answer any questions you have about using it safely. In most hospitals, this is a requirement that must be completed before you’re issued discharge paperwork. For more details on car seat safety, read this detailed article.

As far as must-haves go, if you’ve remembered your car seat, you’re set. You don’t actually need to bring anything else for your newborn with you. But there are a few more items most parents recommend.

With these basics tucked into your hospital bag, you’ll be covered for the duration of your short stay. If the birth is uncomplicated, and mom and baby are both doing well, you’ll likely be discharged between 24-48 hours, and you’ll head home to snuggle, bond, and recover.

Breastfeeding/Nursing Support Essentials:

  1. Haakaa Colostrum catcher. We have a lot of Poppylist moms who love this product, but I didn't end up using it at the hospital or even after. Not for any specific reason, but I felt like my baby was latching well and getting the colostrum she needed. It didn't appear that I had any extra to collect.
  2. Frida Instant heat warmers. My milk didn't come in for almost 5 days post-birth, and these instant heat warmers provided so much relief during those first few days while my milk was coming in and then in the weeks after. It always helped with my breast milk letdown, and I love how easy they are to reuse. This is one of those baby products I didn't have with my firstborn and wished I had!
  3. Lansinoh Latch Assist, nipple everter. If you struggle with flat, inverted nipples that don't stay hard for a long time, then this breastfeeding product is for you. I used during every nursing session the first few weeks, and it's incredibly helpful to draw out colostrum in those first few days. This is one of those 'must-haves' and a must-have just in case!

For a comprehensive list of everything mom needs for the hospital, click here to read: Hospital Bag Checklist: Overnight Essentials You Need For Mom and Baby.

Additional Resources:

  1. The Baby Registry:A First-Time Parents Guide
  2. What Clothes Do INeed for a Newborn?
  3. Poppylist's Top 20 Most Registered Baby Items of 2023
What do Newborns Wear in the Hospital? (2024)


What should a newborn baby wear in the hospital? ›

As a general rule, babies should be dressed in a dry vest and babygro with one or two light blankets over them. A folded blanket counts as two layers. Consideration should be given to your baby wearing a hat in the first six hours of life after skin to skin care has finished.

What should a newborn wear when born? ›

Clothes should be comfortable, soft and easy to take care of. Stretchy jumpsuits that fasten at the front are best, as well as tops with envelope necks, which are easier to get over your baby's head. Jumpsuits with zips can make dressing your baby quick and easy too. Clothes made from cotton are a good choice.

Do hospitals provide clothes for newborns? ›

Most hospitals provide long-sleeved baby shirts, infant hats, and swaddling blankets for newborns to wear. But you'll want to bring an outfit for your baby to go home in. Make sure it has legs (so not a baby gown) so the car seat strap can fit between them easily. Car seat.

What do they put newborns in at the hospital? ›

Infant warmers: These are small beds with heaters over them to help babies stay warm while being monitored. Because they are open, they allow easy access to babies. Incubators: These are small beds enclosed by clear, hard plastic.

What clothes to wear in hospital birth? ›

Among the many options you have are:
  • Hospital gown. If you're giving birth in a hospital, there's a good chance they'll ask you to wear a gown. ...
  • A birthing wrap. ...
  • An oversized t-shirt. ...
  • Nightgown. ...
  • A birthing gown. ...
  • A birthing skirt.

Why do hospitals put hats on newborns? ›

Newborn hospital hats help infants conserve heat and regulate body temperature. As hospital temperatures are much lower than temperatures inside the womb, infant caps are instrumental in helping babies adjust to a sudden drop in temperature.

What should I first wear for new born baby? ›

A good rule of thumb is to give your baby 1 extra layer of clothing than what you're wearing. For example, if you're in a t-shirt and jumper, dress them in a vest, sleepsuit and cardigan or jumper. If you feel chilly, your baby probably does too.

What do newborns wear after birth? ›

What do babies wear immediately after birth? Typically, hospitals provide basic clothing and swaddles for newborns. Many hospitals recommend just bringing with you a going-home outfit for baby, although you're welcome to bring baby her own clothes to wear throughout your stay.

What do babies wear when they are first born? ›

Start with the onesie or wrap shirt

Onesies are practically synonymous with baby clothing: They cater to the needs of a tiny human who's unaccustomed to wearing clothes. Think of these bodysuits as ideal base layers for newborns.

Should I bring a swaddle to the hospital? ›

Swaddle blankets: Many hospitals provide swaddle blankets, but you may want to bring your own if you have a preference. 6. Pacifiers (if desired): If you plan to use pacifiers, bring a few along with you.

How many outfits to take to the hospital for a baby? ›

Aim for one outfit in newborn size and one 0-3 months. Don't forget hats and/or socks, if weather-appropriate, to keep baby warm.

Do you shower at the hospital after giving birth? ›

After a normal vagin*l birth, you will probably stay in the birth room with your baby for about 2 hours. You may have a meal and a shower before transferring to the postnatal ward or going home. If you are going home 4 to 6 hours after birth, you might be able to stay in the birth room until discharge.

What to do immediately after birth? ›

In fact, the AAP recommends that healthy, full-term infants "be placed and remain in direct skin-to-skin contact with their mothers immediately after delivery until the first feeding is accomplished." Most babies begin to nurse within the first hour or so, given the opportunity.

What happens if babies not cry after birth immediately? ›

However, after five minutes, a low breathing score requires a doctor to act. Babies who are breathing but do not cry are more likely to have some type of condition that threatens their survival. A baby may suffer from asphyxia or oxygen deprivation before, during, or after birth due to many causes.

Does the hospital give you newborn diapers? ›

The hospital will provide plenty of diapers and wipes for you to use during your stay and you can usually bring some home with you as well. Car Seat: This is the most important item to have with you when you go to the hospital.

What should a newborn wear home from the hospital in summer? ›

Single layers are your best bet when dressing your precious newborn for temperatures of 75 degrees or hotter. When choosing an outfit, be on the lookout for lightweight cotton clothes. These materials are breathable, so they can help keep your little one beat the summer heat!

What do you wear to the hospital for a baby? ›

It's a good idea to wear something loose and comfortable during labor. Your hospital will likely give you a hospital gown to wear during delivery, but you can also bring your own nightgowns, slippers, socks, and nursing bras for after the birth.

How to dress a newborn baby with umbilical cord? ›

Use comfortably fitting—not tight—onesies, or just dress baby in diapers and T-shirts. Don't clean the stump unless it comes in contact with stool or other potential infectants. In that case, clean it with water and a mild soap, and dry it thoroughly. Leave it alone.

What should a newborn leave the hospital in? ›

Leaving the Hospital

Babies are often overdressed for the first trip home. Dress your baby as you would dress yourself. So, if you'd be too warm in a knitted hat during the summer, your baby probably will be, too. In warm weather, dress your baby in a T-shirt and light cotton pants or a baby blanket over bare legs.

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