The Ultimate Checklist of Baby Must-Haves (and Don't-Needs) for Your Registry (2024)

When it's your first time registering for a baby shower, it's so easy to get overwhelmed. Both online and brick-and-mortar retailers may have you convinced that you need everything they have on offer. But the list of things your baby actually needs is fairly short. Before your guests (or you) blow a small fortune, it's important to understand which items are essential and which are totally unnecessary.

To help you wade through the hype, we've drawn up this list based on our own experience and that of other parents. Those must-have baby items are categorized as "necessities," while those that might make your life easier are listed as "nice-to-haves." We also mention unsafe products that you should avoid.

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The Ultimate Checklist of Baby Must-Haves (and Don't-Needs) for Your Registry (1)

Baby Essentials for the First 3 to 4 Months

We provide a detailed list of each category below, but in general, your baby must-haves for the first three months of their life should include:

  • Nursery furniture and gear
  • Baby linens, including crib and bassinet sheets, baby blankets, and swaddles
  • Babyproofing gear
  • Feeding gear
  • Diaper essentials
  • Hygiene and grooming essentials
  • Baby clothes
  • Travel gear, including car seats and strollers
  • Entertainment
  • Baby gear, like swings and play mats
  • First aid and baby care equipment

Read on for a closer look at the items in each category. Just remember: Every family's needs are different, so this list can (and should!) be modified to your tastes as you set up your baby registry.

Nursery Furniture

The necessities:

  • Crib
  • Crib mattress

The nice-to-haves:

  • Changing table
  • Bassinet (safe until the baby is 3 to 6 months old or weighs 15 pounds)
  • Rocking chair or glider
  • Humidifier or vaporizer
  • Dresser/chest (to bolt to the wall)
  • Hamper
  • Baby monitor, if you have a big house

What you don't need: A secondhand crib. Get a new one for safety purposes instead.

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Baby Linens

The necessities:

  • 2 fitted crib sheets
  • Several thin cotton receiving blankets (they have a million uses)
  • 1 or 2 waterproof mattress protectors
  • Swaddle or wearable sleep sack

The nice-to-haves:

  • Matching quilt or a crib skirt (for decoration)

What you don't need: Pillows, loose bedding or blankets, sleep positioners, bumper pads, or mattress padding. All of these items increase the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), and should be kept out of the crib.

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Babyproofing Gear

The necessities (after 4 months):

  • Baby gates at the top and bottom of all stairs
  • Cabinet latches
  • Drawer latches
  • Outlet covers
  • Furniture anchors

The nice-to-haves:

  • Toilet lock
  • Corner guards for low tables
  • Fireplace bumper

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Formula-Feeding Gear

The necessities:

  • About 8 bottles with newborn nipples (try several brands to find the one your baby prefers)
  • Bottle-cleaning brush or a dishwasher basket
  • Bottle-drying rack
  • Several weeks' worth of baby formula (to start)
  • 6 or more cotton bibs
  • 6 or more burp cloths (though receiving blankets and cloth diapers also do the trick)
  • Insulated cooler/carrier for outings

The nice-to-haves:

  • Dry formula dispenser
  • Bottle sterilizer

What you don't need: A bottle warmer (heating in hot water works just as well) or a bottle holder/propper.

Breastfeeding/Chestfeeding Gear

The necessities:

  • Nursing pillow
  • 2 or 3 nursing bras
  • 2 or 3 boxes of nursing pads or a set of reusable pads
  • Freezer-safe breast/chest milk storage bags or containers
  • 6 or more burp cloths (receiving blankets and cloth diapers also work)

The nice-to-haves:

  • Breast/chest pump (a double electric pump is most convenient, but some parents prefer hand pumps)
  • Several bottles and nipples, if someone else will be feeding your baby pumped milk (you'll want to get several brands of nipple to find the one your baby prefers)
  • Nipple cream for the first few weeks

Solid Food Feeding Gear

The necessities (not needed until 4 to 6 months):

  • High chair
  • Bibs
  • Infant feeding silverware
  • Infant bowl

The nice-to-haves:

  • Mess mat for under the high chair (a plastic shower curtain can work)
  • Baby food mill (if you're ambitious enough to puree your own baby food)

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Diapering Gear

The necessities:

  • 2 packs of newborn diapers (to start)
  • Wipes
  • Diaper rash ointment
  • Diaper pail or trash can with lid

If you're cloth diapering, you'll want to check out our full guide to cloth diapering.

The nice-to-haves:

  • Waterproof changing table pad (if you get a changing table)
  • 2 or 3 changing table pad covers (usually cotton or terry cloth)
  • 4 or 5 waterproof square or rectangular pads for under baby's bottom (these will protect the cover that's protecting the pad—you can also use a towel or doggy pee pad)
  • Baby cream, if your baby has dry skin (coconut oil works, too)

What you don't need: A wipe warmer or a diaper stacker (though they're pretty)

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Bathing and Grooming Gear

The necessities:

  • 2 hooded towels
  • 4 washcloths
  • Infant tub (for after the umbilical cord falls off)
  • Bath seat or inflatable tub-within-a-tub (for after 6 months)
  • Baby bath wash
  • Baby shampoo
  • Baby comb and brush set
  • Nail scissors/nail clippers/nail file set (some parents find an electric nail trimmer easier)
  • A rinse cup

The nice-to-haves:

  • Bath toys
  • Mesh bag to store bath toys
  • Bath thermometer
  • Faucet guard

What you don't need: A baby-size robe. It's hard enough to get your baby dressed in their real clothes!

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Baby Clothing

The necessities:

  • 7 or more snap-crotch bodysuits/onesies
  • 3 or 4 T-shirts and/or side-snap shirts
  • 3 or 4 pairs of pants
  • Several snap-up or zippered rompers
  • 7 pairs of pajamas and/or sleeping gowns
  • Sun hat
  • Cold-weather hat and cardigan (if it gets cold)
  • Bunting/footmuff or snowsuit (if it gets really cold)
  • 6 pairs of socks
  • Several booties
  • Baby hangers for the closet

The nice-to-haves:

  • A special outfit for bringing baby home and/or showing them off
  • Several shirt-and-pant sets
  • Baby swimsuit or rash guard (if you foresee pool or beach trips; not needed immediately)

What you don't need: Shoes. Wait until your baby is walking outside (i.e., the toddler years).

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Baby Travel Gear

The necessities:

  • Convertible car seat that fits a newborn
  • Stroller that accommodates a newborn
  • Diaper bag filled with diapers, wipes, changing pad, and a spare outfit
  • Baby carrier that can accommodate a newborn

The nice-to-haves:

  • Infant car seat and base
  • Baby wrap or sling for newborns and lighter infants
  • Baby hiking backpack (for after 6 months)
  • Stroller that your car seat fits onto
  • Rain cover for the stroller
  • Warm blanket to wrap your baby in during winter strolls
  • Sunshades for the car windows
  • Big diaper bag for overnight trips

What you don't need: A mirror to see your baby in the car (these can be a hazard if there's an accident). Also avoid secondhand car seats for safety reasons.

First Baby Toys

No baby must-haves, but these items are nice-to-haves:

  • Soft books and board books
  • Rattles
  • Soft blocks
  • Activity gym/play mat
  • Toys that attach to a stroller
  • Something plush that crinkles, rattles, and/or squeaks
  • Multiple baskets in which to store toys (place one in the baby's room, living room, and kitchen)

What you don't need: Car seat toy bars. These are an added risk if there's an accident.

Baby Seats

The necessities:

  • Bouncer seat or infant seat
  • Stationary activity center (once baby is 4 months old)
  • Playmat

The nice-to-haves:

  • Swing
  • Moses basket (usable until baby reaches 3 months)
  • Portable play yard

What you don't need: A walker or a jumper. Get a stationary center instead, for safety reasons.

Baby Care Basics

The necessities:

  • Several pacifiers (try different brands to see which one your baby prefers)
  • Thermometer
  • Petroleum jelly
  • Infant pain reliever
  • Nasal aspirator or snotsucker
  • Saline nose drops
  • Electrolyte drink, such as Pedialyte, for dehydration

The nice-to-haves:

  • Teether
  • Vapor bath (once baby is 3 months old)
  • Anti-gas medicine or gripe water

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The Ultimate Checklist of Baby Must-Haves (and Don't-Needs) for Your Registry (2024)


The Ultimate Checklist of Baby Must-Haves (and Don't-Needs) for Your Registry? ›

What are baby registry must-haves for a first-time parent? Some baby registry must-haves that you'll want are a comfortable and safe crib, a stroller that fits your lifestyle, a car seat, a breast pump and bottles. Diapers, wipes and diaper rash cream are also must-haves for any new parent.

What are the must haves on the baby registry? ›

What are baby registry must-haves for a first-time parent? Some baby registry must-haves that you'll want are a comfortable and safe crib, a stroller that fits your lifestyle, a car seat, a breast pump and bottles. Diapers, wipes and diaper rash cream are also must-haves for any new parent.

How much of everything do I need on my baby registry? ›

How Many Items Should You Add to Your Baby Registry? First-time-mom baby registries typically include between 100 and 120 items. This should be more than enough to cover everything you will need for your baby.

What do I need to checklist before my baby is born? ›

Get All Those Baby Essentials

Many parents wonder what to bring their baby home in and what that first week will be like with a newborn. These are very common questions, and gathering equipment and items like a car seat, diapers, baby clothes, and feeding supplies will help you feel prepared and put your mind at ease.

What are the 4 basic needs of a newborn? ›

In reality, a baby's needs (at least at first) are relatively simple: milk, a safe place to sleep, nappies, clothes and, of course, love. Let's look at these basic needs in more detail.

Should you put expensive items on baby registry? ›

Shying Away from Large Purchases

That said, it's totally acceptable to put some expensive items on your registry. You can list the things you need, including items like car seats and cribs. Pooling together for group presents is popular, and several friends might pitch in to get a stroller or crib.

What week should you start a baby registry? ›

You can start early or wait. 20 weeks is a good rule of thumb if you're planning on adding gender-specific things. When should you share a baby registry? If you plan on having a registry, it's good to share your registry a few weeks in advance.

What am I missing on my baby registry? ›

Most Overlooked Baby Registry Items
  • Infant In-sink bather. Bath time a wiggly newborn can be overwhelming. ...
  • Parent organizer. ...
  • Takeout gift cards. ...
  • Diaper bag/backpack. ...
  • Pumping Bra. ...
  • Crib Mattress. ...
  • Car seat arm pad. ...
  • Stroller mittens.

How many diapers to ask for on registry? ›

For a newborn, it's advisable to register for around 2-3 large packs of newborn size diapers, as babies can go through 8-10 diapers a day in their first weeks.

How do I get the most out of my baby registry? ›

How To Make The Most Out Of Your Baby Registry
  1. Don't Overdo It On The Clothes. It's so hard. ...
  2. Take The Opportunity To Ask For Bigger Items. Baby gear adds up, fast. ...
  3. Don't Stock Up On Unknowns. ...
  4. Focus Your Research Where It Matters Most. ...
  5. Don't Be Afraid To Wait.
Jul 5, 2022

What is absolutely needed for a newborn? ›

Baby Essentials for the First 3 to 4 Months

Nursery furniture and gear. Baby linens, including crib and bassinet sheets, baby blankets, and swaddles. Babyproofing gear. Feeding gear.

What to buy for a first baby? ›

Newborn essentials
  • a few packs of newborn disposable or reusable cloth nappies.
  • cotton wool or gentle, non-scented, alcohol-free wipes.
  • changing mat or towel.
  • barrier cream to protect your baby's skin and prevent nappy rash.

What is safe birth checklist? ›

Confirm supplies are available to clean hands and wear gloves for each vagin*l exam. Encourage birth companion to be present at birth. Confirm that mother or companion will call for help during labour if needed. Completed by. Start plotting when cervix ≥4 cm, then cervix should dilate ≥1 cm/hr.

Do and don'ts for newborn baby? ›

Here are a few basics to remember:
  • Wash your hands (or use a hand sanitizer) before handling your baby. ...
  • Support your baby's head and neck. ...
  • Never shake your baby, whether in play or in frustration. ...
  • Always fasten your baby securely when using a carrier, stroller, or car seat.

When can you carry a baby by the armpits? ›

Once they're able to hold up their head and sit with support or on their own (anywhere between 4 and 7 months), you can start picking them up by tucking your hands under their arms and lifting. Be careful when you're picking up and putting down your baby to avoid accidentally hurting them.

What are the 6 basic needs of an infant? ›

There are six basic needs that all newborn babies require: security, clothing, enough sleep, nutritious food, sensory stimulation, love, and attention.

What should be included in a registry? ›

Registries generally capture data on the characteristics of the patient, the disease or condition of interest; exposure(s), including treatments, and outcomes.

How many registries should you have for a baby? ›

There is no limit to how many baby registries you can make, but for most people, I find that three baby registries is the perfect number; that way you get the benefits of having multiple registries, but it's not too much to maintain.

Should I put postpartum items on my baby registry? ›

Postpartum is all about survival, which is why you should take all the spoiling, help, and gifting you can get. So beef up your baby registry and turn it into a postpartum registry with must-haves that will help your body and new needs feel a little more normal.

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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

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Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.