How to host a perfect bring-a-dish party | Unite Students (2024)

Food in winter shouldn’t be budget beans on toast for one. It should be indulgent and shared with friends. So, this January, a potluck party is just what you need.

Never heard of it? A potluck dinner party is where you and your friends get together at one of your houses, and you all bring a home-cooked dish for everyone to share.

How to host a perfect bring-a-dish party | Unite Students (2024)


How to host a perfect bring-a-dish party | Unite Students? ›

One thing you can do to make a potluck more fun is to have a theme. It could be a place or an era in history, or maybe a popular movie or something. Another thing that makes potlucks better is if someone kind of coordinates what people are bringing to some degree, so you don't wind up with 6 salads and no main dish.

How can I make my potluck more fun? ›

One thing you can do to make a potluck more fun is to have a theme. It could be a place or an era in history, or maybe a popular movie or something. Another thing that makes potlucks better is if someone kind of coordinates what people are bringing to some degree, so you don't wind up with 6 salads and no main dish.

What is the etiquette for a potluck? ›

Potluck Etiquette

Bring something: Everyone on the guest list should bring something. If you genuinely forget your dish, try to grab something before you attend. Try everything: Sample everyone's hard work unless you have a genuine reason that prevents you from trying a dish.

How do you organize a potluck for 50 people? ›

A Suggested Menu for a Perfect Potluck of 50 Guests Includes:
  1. 5 People Bringing Appetizers. ...
  2. 5 People Bringing Main Dishes. ...
  3. 10 People Bringing Side Dishes. ...
  4. 5 People Bringing Bread. ...
  5. 5 People Bringing Dessert. ...
  6. 4 People Bringing Beverages. ...
  7. 1 Person Bringing Cups, Plates & Napkins.
  8. 1 Person Bringing Utensils.

What to make for a school potluck? ›

Grain bowls and salads (barley salad, zucchini salad) Potato sides (loaded potatoes, air fryer potatoes, roasted carrots and potatoes) Dips (spinach dip, onion dip, guacamole, tzatziki) Spreads (pesto, white bean dip, avocado spread)

What is the easiest thing to bring to a potluck? ›

Potato chips, pigs in a blanket, fruit kebabs, hummus and pita bread, roll-ups, bruschetta, cookies, brownie bites, deviled eggs, and potato skins are stellar snacks to bring to a potluck. You want to pick up snacks that are easy to eat and easy to clean up, too.

What not to bring to a potluck? ›

Don't show up with a dish that needs tons of assembly or oven time, particularly if you don't know the host well. No soup! Potluck food should be plate-based. Unless you plan on bringing a stash of disposable bowls and spoons, it's best to stick to food that can be eaten off a plate with a fork.

How many dishes are needed at a potluck? ›

Main dishes and side dishes are the heart and soul of a potluck feast. These dishes tend to be more substantial and filling, so it's essential to strike a balance and avoid excessive portions. As a general rule, plan for one main dish serving and one or two side dish servings per person.

What should the host provide for a potluck? ›

Potlucks are about sharing the work cooking and being with people you like. Your friends have equally towering laundry piles and dog hair that needs to be swept, too. Unless you specifically assign it to a guest, a potluck host should provide plates, utensils and glasses.

What to bring to a dish party? ›

These share plates of finger foods, salads and nibbles are perfect for your gathering!
  • 1Turkey, cranberry and brie sausage roll bags. ...
  • 2Chow mein sharing salad. ...
  • 3Honey mustard chicken sausage rolls. ...
  • 4Layered prawn co*cktail salad. ...
  • 5Apricot chicken cob loaf. ...
  • 6Pie maker vegetarian quesadillas. ...
  • 7Layered Mexican salad.

How do I ask guests to bring a dish? ›

Say it's a potluck. Ask them for something they make well or let them know what is already on the menu. I often eat with friends. The host does the main dishes, and it's normal for guests to offer to bring nibbles, a starter, cheese or the dessert.

What are the essentials for potluck? ›

Remember the Essentials - In addition to plates, cutlery, napkins and cups, remember extra serving utensils and potholders for hot dishes. Don't forget plenty of extra dishcloths and paper towels for spills.

What are common potluck categories? ›

Each invitee should bring one item from one of the major dish groups as listed below:
  • Appetizers.
  • Soups.
  • Salads.
  • Main Dishes.
  • Side Dishes.
  • Desserts.
  • Beverages.

What is a good finger food to bring to a potluck? ›

Easy Finger Food Recipes to Make Ahead
  • Fried Pickles. Treat your guests to fried pickles for fun finger food ideas. ...
  • Fried Mac and Cheese Rolls. ...
  • Deviled Eggs. ...
  • Honey Garlic Meatballs. ...
  • Garlic Breadsticks. ...
  • Salted Soft Pretzels. ...
  • Whipped Ricotta Crostini. ...
  • Vietnamese Spring Rolls.
5 days ago

Is it rude to not bring anything to a potluck? ›

Anything More Than Empty Hands Is Acceptable

It's a fun communal activity that also takes some weight off the poor host. So can you show up to a potluck empty-handed? Heck no. That's the whole point!

What's a good potluck theme? ›

Here are 10 themes to try out for your next potluck.
  • Mexican Night. When it comes to group cooking, Mexican-American food has long been the star — it's delicious, filling, and well-loved. ...
  • Movie Night. ...
  • Sichuan Night. ...
  • A Night in Paris. ...
  • Game Night. ...
  • Childhood Favorites. ...
  • Hot Pot. ...
  • Apps Only.
Nov 15, 2019

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