Golden Milk Recipe {turmeric latte} • Fit Mitten Kitchen (2024)

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Learn how to make a Golden Milk Latte recipe at home! A turmeric latte comes with many health benefits. Healthy fats, anti-inflammatory and nourishing roots and spices. Make it iced with a simple trick, or add some coffee for a caffeine boost. Vegan friendly recipe.

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What is a Golden Milk Latte?

Golden Milk” is also known as a turmeric latte, but there is no coffee involved like a traditional latte recipe. In its original form, golden milk has roots in India, where turmeric has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries.

Golden milk is a deliciously nutritious drink with many healthy benefits, high in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties – great for the immune system! The main ingredient in a turmeric latte is the root turmeric, which is high in curcumin, where its anti-inflammatory properties come from.

If you’re looking for a cozy, warm, spiced milky drink recipe, you must try this.

Ingredient Notes

  • canned coconut milkcanned coconut milk will give you a rich texture but using coconut milk from a carton is fine too, and actually easier to use if you’re planning on making an iced turmeric latte.
  • non-dairy milkyou can use oat milk, almond milk, cashew milk, soy milk, etc.
  • coconut oil –for pure healthy fats
  • ground turmeric – the main ingredient in a golden milk latte, which gives this drink it’s golden yellow hue.
  • cinnamon – adds lovely flavor to balance out the turmeric spice.
  • cardamom – this will give the golden milk a chai-like flavor, but if you don’t love chai you can omit.
  • medjool date – you can use a Medjool date to sweeten, of maple syrup or honey if not vegan.
  • fresh ginger –for the best flavor (and nutritional benefits) use fresh. But if you don’t have fresh ginger, ground can also be used.

How to Make Golden Milk at Home

In a small saucepan over low-medium heat, whisk together milk, coconut oil and spices until warm.

Do not let mixture come to a boil. Remove saucepan from heat and allow to cool for 10 minutes.

Once mixture has cooled, transfer to blender cup with pitted Medjool dates and fresh ginger. Blend mixture until smooth (make sure your blender can handle warm liquids).

As long as you have a high powered blender you don’t really need to strain the recipe. But if you prefer a super smooth milk, then you can strain through a fine mesh strainer or a nut milk bag.

Also, if using a blender you don’t truly need a milk frother, but you could use one if you want extra foam.

No Blender Option

If you don’t plan on using a Medjool date to sweeten, or using fresh ginger, you can definitely make this golden milk without a blender.

Use ground ginger and a tablespoon of honey or maple syrup in place of the Medjool date. Everything would just get added into the saucepan until heated through. Froth the milk with a wand or whisk quickly to get some foam for the latte.


If you’re more of an iced latte drinker or prefer a jolt of caffeine, here are some options for you…

Make it Iced

To make Iced Golden Milk, use the “no blender option” ingredients (ground ginger and maple syrup to sweeten), shake everything in a jar, sealed with a tight lid, and strain through a fine mesh strainer.

Alternatively, you could also warm everything on the stovetop until heated through, transfer to the fridge to cool for 30 minutes, then pour over ice.

Make it Dirty

If you do want a little jolt of caffeine for this turmeric latte, you could just add in a shot or two of espresso, or 1/4 cup strongly brewed coffee.

More Homemade Latte Recipes

  • Homemade Gingerbread Latte
  • Pumpkin Spice Latte
  • Spiced Matcha Latte
  • Easy Chai Latte

If you make this recipe, I’d love to hear from you! Leave a comment and review on the blog – it helps others find the recipe too!

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Golden Milk Turmeric Latte {vegan}

Golden Milk Recipe {turmeric latte} • Fit Mitten Kitchen (8)

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5 from 3 reviews

Learn how to make a Golden Milk Turmeric Latte recipe at home! It’s easy, flavorful and comes with so many health benefits. Healthy fats, anti-inflammatory and nourishing roots and spices. Make it iced with a simple change, or add some coffee for a caffeine boost. Vegan friendly recipe.

  • Author: Ashley
  • Prep Time: 10 minutes
  • Cook Time: 5 minutes
  • Total Time: 15 minutes
  • Yield: 2 1x
  • Category: Drinks
  • Method: Stovetop
  • Cuisine: American
  • Diet: Vegan



  • 1/2 cup coconut milk, full fat or lite (canned or carton is fine)
  • 2 cups almond or cashew milk (or non-dairy of choice)
  • 1/2 tablespoon coconut oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cardamom
  • 1/8 teaspoon black pepper
  • 2 Medjool dates, pitted
  • 1/2” cube fresh ginger, peeled


  1. Make milk: In a small saucepan over low-medium heat, whisk together coconut milk non-dairy milk, coconut oil and spices until warm. Do not let mixture come to a boil. Remove saucepan from heat and allow to cool for 10 minutes.
  2. Blend: Once mixture has cooled, transfer to blender cup with pitted Medjool dates and fresh ginger. Blend mixture until smooth (make sure your blender can handle warm liquids). No need to strain unless you want an extra smooth drink experience.
  3. Enjoy: Transfer turmeric latte to 2 large mugs, enjoy!


Sweetener – Can also sub with 1 tablespoon of honey or maple syrup

Ginger – Can also sub with 1/4 tsp ground ginger. If going this route, a blender is not needed.

Leftovers – Store any leftover portions in airtight container in fridge up to 3 days, or use in these Golden Milk Overnight Oats.

Check out the instructions above the recipe card for how to make it iced.


  • Serving Size: 1 of 2 drinks
  • Calories: 248
  • Sugar: 23g
  • Sodium: 175mg
  • Fat: 9g
  • Saturated Fat: 3g
  • Unsaturated Fat: 0g
  • Trans Fat: 0g
  • Carbohydrates: 44g
  • Fiber: 10g
  • Protein: 4g
  • Cholesterol: 0mg

About Ashley

"Ashley Walterhouse is the founder of Fit Mitten Kitchen, based in the Greater Lansing Area of Michigan, AKA “the Mitten.” Ashley grew up as a picky eater but later discovered that eating healthy was actually easy and fun. She started FMK in 2015 as a way to share her newfound love of developing healthier recipes for all to enjoy."

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Reader Interactions

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  1. L says

    I started by following the recipe, but when blending the date, it would sink to the bottom of the milk. So I started skipping the blender and skewering the date to swirl around as a treat in the milk. But others may like the date blended for overall sweetness-it’s your choice. My only suggestion is to cut off both ends of the date before blending or skewering. But look up all the health benefits of the ingredients, plus the medjool date-it’s worth trying. ?


  2. Cecelia Ortiz says

    I had to adjust because I didnt have fresh ginger. I also didnt have coconut milk. I used a little evaporated milk, powdered ginger, and 1/2 tsp of vanilla, 1 pack of splenda, and 1 tsp honey. Heated it up and straight to my cup. It works and it was delicious. Thanks.


  3. Diana says

    What a delicious recipe! I had tried other golden milk recipes and this is my favorite! Thank you!!!


  4. Diana says

    I am so excited to have found my favorite golden milk recipe!!!! Thank you!!!


    • Ashley says

      So glad you enjoy it, Diana! Thanks for taking the time to comment and review 😀


  5. Dawn says

    I love it! I followed it to a tee except just used regular dates. I make it at least 2-3 times a week. It’s me before bed relaxation drink.


    • Ashley says

      Thank you for sharing and leaving a 5 star review!!


Older Comments

Golden Milk Recipe {turmeric latte} • Fit Mitten Kitchen (2024)


What happens when we drink turmeric milk daily? ›

Immunity booster

Turmeric also boosts immunity levels. Its anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal properties protect us from a variety of infections. Many doctors highly recommend taking a teaspoon full of turmeric in a glass of warm milk every day to keep the common cold and flu at bay.

How many cups of golden milk can you drink a day? ›

Keeping your golden milk consumption to one serving a day can help you avoid unpleasant side effects from too much curcumin.

What is the golden drink that lowers blood sugar? ›

The ingredients in golden milk, particularly ginger and cinnamon, may help lower blood sugar levels. For instance, 1–6 grams of cinnamon per day may lower fasting blood sugar levels by up to 29%. Moreover, cinnamon may reduce insulin resistance ( 30 , 31 , 32 ).

What is the golden drink that lowers cholesterol? ›

Golden milk, also known as turmeric milk, is a common Indian drink that has recently been gaining popularity in western cultures due to many health claims. It's beautiful bright yellow color is a result of adding turmeric, along with spices such as cinnamon and ginger, to milk.

When should I drink turmeric milk morning or night? ›

At night, the body of a human being is generally at rest. During this time, turmeric milk helps the body by rejuvenating and accelerating recovery. After drinking turmeric milk, the long hours of rest benefit the body by making room for recovery. During the change of season, one should drink turmeric milk at night.

Who should not drink turmeric milk? ›

People who should not take turmeric include those with gallbladder problems, bleeding disorders, diabetes, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), infertility, iron deficiency, liver disease, hormone-sensitive conditions, and arrhythmia. Pregnant women and those who are going to undergo surgery should not use turmeric.

What medications should not be taken with turmeric? ›

Turmeric may interfere with the action of these drugs, increasing the production of stomach acid:
  • Cimetidine (Tagamet)
  • Famotidine (Pepcid)
  • Ranitidine (Zantac)
  • Esomeprazole (Nexium)
  • Omeprazole (Prilosec)
  • Lansoprazole (Prevacid)

How long does it take for turmeric milk to work? ›

Curcumin has been shown to spark an antibody-type response in the body, even in low doses. The antioxidant properties in turmeric also play a role in boosting the immune system. One animal study found that curcumin could be seen at work in the body at just 96 hours after supplementation.

Should you drink golden milk on an empty stomach? ›

It is generally recommended to take turmeric milk after food rather than on an empty stomach. This is because turmeric milk can be quite rich and heavy, and taking it on an empty stomach can sometimes cause indigestion, stomach upset, or nausea.

What are the side effects of golden milk? ›

Turmeric usually does not cause significant side effects; however, some people can experience stomach upset, nausea, dizziness, or diarrhea.

What is the one food that lowers blood sugar? ›

Eating protein — from meat and fish, tofu, nuts, eggs, and cheese — with carbs can slow that flow of glucose and help stabilize blood sugar. “Proteins hold back the sugars, slow them down, and then release them into the bloodstream slowly so that your blood sugar stays in a more normal range,” O'Meara says.

Should turmeric be boiled in milk? ›

Yes, heating destroys some of the benefits of turmeric. When heated, the effect of curcumin – the bright yellow pigment and active ingredient in turmeric, which has powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties – is destroyed. I usually add it after the milk has boiled a bit so it absorbs better!

What do Chinese use to lower cholesterol? ›

Shan Zha (Crataegus cuneata) is a species of the fruit-bearing plant hawthorn. Native to China, this plant has been used to treat a variety of health conditions for centuries, some of which include high blood pressure (hypertension), upset stomach, angina, abdominal paints, hernias, and high cholesterol.

What can I drink to flush out my cholesterol? ›

Cholesterol is often high due to excessive saturated and trans fat consumption. There are certain drinks that can help maintain an ideal cholesterol level. Some of the best drinks for cholesterol management include green tea, pomegranate juice, citrus juice, soy milk, plant-based smoothies, and red wine.

What is the #1 best drink to lower cholesterol? ›

Green tea. Green tea contains antioxidants called catechins that experts believe can help with reducing LDL cholesterol levels and increasing HDL cholesterol levels.

Can turmeric milk reduce belly fat? ›

According to a study conducted at the Tufts University, curcumin can actually suppress fat tissue growth. Another way in which turmeric helps in losing weight by regulating sugar levels and further preventing insulin resistance. This results in excess fat that is not retained in the body.

Is it safe to drink turmeric everyday? ›

Turmeric products that provide up to 8 grams of curcumin daily seem to be safe when used for up to 2 months, Also, taking up to 3 grams of turmeric daily seems to be safe when used for up to 3 months. Turmeric usually doesn't cause serious side effects.

Does turmeric milk clean your stomach? ›

It can aid your digestion

Because of its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, turmeric can contribute to healthy digestion. It's used in ayurvedic medicine as a digestive healing agent.

Does turmeric milk detox your body? ›

02/4​​Golden Milk​

This easy milk based drink is not only great for replenishing lost nutrients of the body and detoxifying the body. To make this drink boil milk along with a dash of turmeric and black pepper, which boosts the efficacy of this drink. Then mix it with honey to enhance the experience.

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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.