15 Hot Drink Recipes to Heat Up Your Soul, With and Without Alcohol (2024)

We love prioritizing all things warm and comfy—from lounging in fuzzy socks and slippers to cozyfying our beds, to—of course—hot drinks. After all, when the temperature drops, what's more soothing than wrapping frozen fingers around a piping hot mug of rich hot cocoa or spicy mulled wine?

Whether you're in the mood for eggnog, warm apple cider, a creamy caramel latté, or a spirited hot toddy, we have hot drink recipes to warm you up from the inside out. Make one (or several), grab a blanket, light a fire, and settle in until spring.

If mixing your own hot drink isn't for you, pick up a store-bought warming beverage or a bottle of wine for cold weather.

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Sweet and Spicy Mulled Wine

15 Hot Drink Recipes to Heat Up Your Soul, With and Without Alcohol (1)

This warm, boozy beverage is super simple to make and perfect for a crowd. Make a big batch, keep it warm on the stove, and let guests ladle it themselves. Thanks to a hearty dose of black peppercorns and spicy fresh ginger, this mulled wine recipe delivers a balanced (not sticky-sweet) co*cktail.


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Easy Chai Tea

15 Hot Drink Recipes to Heat Up Your Soul, With and Without Alcohol (2)

This café classic is easier to make than you think. Simply bring crushed spices, cinnamon sticks, ginger, and milk to a boil. Next, add tea bags and steep for 10 minutes. For an extra caffeine kick, add a shot of espresso for a DIY dirty chai.


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Spiced Vanilla Almond Milk

15 Hot Drink Recipes to Heat Up Your Soul, With and Without Alcohol (3)

This warm drink recipe calls for almond milk, but any milk, whether that's dairy or non-dairy, will work. If you don't have nutmeg in the pantry, swap it with a sprinkle of allspice or ginger.


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Warm Mulled Cider

15 Hot Drink Recipes to Heat Up Your Soul, With and Without Alcohol (4)

Aromatherapy meets delicious in this hot drink recipe! Simmer apple cider with mulling spices, orange zest, and ginger to make this warming drink that smells as good as it tastes. Sip while mulling over a good book to read on a cold winter day.


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Creamy Caramel Latté

15 Hot Drink Recipes to Heat Up Your Soul, With and Without Alcohol (5)

You can make this luscious latté without fancy ingredients, an espresso machine, or a milk frother. For a barista-quality beverage, replace espresso with extra-strong coffee from a French press or pour-over machine. Froth the milk in a Mason jar, and drizzle caramel sauce on top for an extra-sweet way to start the day.


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Mexican Hot Chocolate

15 Hot Drink Recipes to Heat Up Your Soul, With and Without Alcohol (6)

To turn up the heat in this winter classic, add an extra touch of ground cayenne pepper and cinnamon. This hot chocolate recipe calls for all-natural unsweetened cocoa, but you can use a package of hot cocoa mix in a pinch.


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Slow Cooker Gingerbread Hot Chocolate

15 Hot Drink Recipes to Heat Up Your Soul, With and Without Alcohol (7)

Change up your favorite hot chocolate by adding molasses and traditional gingerbread spices like cinnamon, ginger, and cloves. Mix up a batch in the slow cooker for your family and guests to sip all day (or night) long.

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Spiked Hot Apple Cider With Molasses

15 Hot Drink Recipes to Heat Up Your Soul, With and Without Alcohol (8)

Apple cider is a classic for good reason, but adding molasses, fresh ginger, and rum takes this fall favorite over the top. Pair with a cozy sweater and serve with pumpkin pie on the side.


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Magic Cocoa

15 Hot Drink Recipes to Heat Up Your Soul, With and Without Alcohol (9)

This hot chocolate recipe calls for just two ingredients, making it a speedy and effective antidote for winter chills. Just add cocoa candy melts or semisweet chocolate chips to hot milk, stir, and let the coziness begin.


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Chai Hot Toddy

15 Hot Drink Recipes to Heat Up Your Soul, With and Without Alcohol (10)

This unique, warmingco*cktail is worlds away from a traditional hot toddy. We punched up dark rum with a hearty dose of warming spices, milk, and black tea for a deep, complex flavor you'll love curling up with.


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Chai and Irish Cream

15 Hot Drink Recipes to Heat Up Your Soul, With and Without Alcohol (11)

All you need is the two titular ingredients to make a warming co*cktail you'll crave all winter long. Somehow, magic happens when a glug or two of Irish cream mingles in a mug of spicy, freshly brewed chai tea, resulting in rich, sweet, and creamy in every sip.


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Pink Hot Chocolate

15 Hot Drink Recipes to Heat Up Your Soul, With and Without Alcohol (12)

For a warm drink that's fun and whimsical, you can't beat a pink hot chocolate. To make it, start with grated sweet white chocolate, and then add your milk of choice with a bit of natural beet juice (instead of artificial dye) for color. Finish with whipped cream, a dash of cinnamon, and smiles all around.


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Spiked Cider Tea

15 Hot Drink Recipes to Heat Up Your Soul, With and Without Alcohol (13)

What happens when you mix hot apple cider, freshly brewed black tea, a little vanilla, and gin? This recipe answers that query with a cozy co*cktail that's flavorful, rich, and satisfying.


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Spiced Hot Toddy

15 Hot Drink Recipes to Heat Up Your Soul, With and Without Alcohol (14)

Created as a whiskey-based cure for colds and sniffles, today's hot toddy and its many variations are more than medicinal. To create this spicy version, we use honey to draw the flavor of baking spices—namely cardamom and star anise—into an infused simple syrup. Add bourbon, and let the healing begin.


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Easy Blender Eggnog

15 Hot Drink Recipes to Heat Up Your Soul, With and Without Alcohol (15)

To save time without sacrificing taste, use your blender to prepare this holiday classic. The recipe calls for whirling heavy cream, sugar, and nutmeg until frothy and then adding brandy (or Bourbon or cognac—or not). Serve warm.


15 Hot Drink Recipes to Heat Up Your Soul, With and Without Alcohol (2024)


What is the best drink for extreme heat? ›

Again, water is the preferred substance for hydration. Alcohol is best avoided when it's very hot outside. Be especially careful not to drink large amounts and become inebriated, as this could blunt your body's response to temperature regulation. You also may miss early signs of heat-related illnesses.

What hot drink gives you energy? ›

Hot Water with Lemon and Honey

This mixture is comforting, soothing, and energizing. More than a go-to drink when you're under the weather, the combination of hot water with lemon juice and honey boosts energy, detoxifies, aids in digestion, fights disease, and hydrates like no other.

How can I warm up my body fast? ›

Go for a walk or a jog. If it's too cold outside, hit the gym, or just do some jumping jacks, pushups, or other exercises indoors. Not only will it warm you up, it helps build and keep your muscles, which also burn calories and make body heat.

What is the No 1 hot drink in the world? ›

Tea. An aromatic beverage commonly prepared by pouring hot or boiling water over cured or fresh leaves of the Camellia sinensis, an evergreen shrub native to East Asia.

What is a nice hot drink before bed? ›

Chamomile tea

Chamomile is considered one of the best drinks before bed. That's because it contains a therapeutic antioxidant called Apigenin. This antioxidant is widely believed to help reduce anxiety and initiate sleep.

What is America's favorite hot beverage? ›

Whether it's a ski trip with friends or a cold evening around the bon fire, the kitchen pantry can usually be relied on to be stocked with everything you need to make the perfect heated beverage — hot chocolate.

Which hot drink is good for the heart? ›

Drink: Tea

Black and green tea are associated with a lower risk of heart attack and stroke, and short-term studies suggest it's good for your blood vessel health.

What hot drinks are good for diabetics? ›

Tea, coffee, chai and hot chocolate – cut back on sugar and use semi-skimmed or skimmed milk. Herbal teas can make a refreshing change and most are caffeine-free.

Which hot drink cools the body? ›

Hot beverages like tea and coffee also contain compounds that can help lower your body temperature. For example, green tea contains catechins, which promote sweating and help lower body temperature.

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.