5 Tips to Make Boiled Peanuts: Road Trip Edition (2024)


5 Tips for Making Boiled Peanuts When You Can’t ...

5 Tips to Make Boiled Peanuts: Road Trip Edition (1)Jun 2, 2023

No road trip across the Southeast U.S. would be complete without stopping for boiled peanuts at a roadside stand. For the uninitiated, boiled peanuts are a Southern delicacy that people pine over when trekking through the country. Roasted peanuts have a crunchy, nutty profile, but boiled peanuts have a soft texture and beany flavor that—when done right—are an irresistible snack worth munching on.

If you’re hitting the open road through the Southeast, keep your eyes peeled for handmade signs guiding you to the boiled peanut stand and make it a point to stop for a bag (or cup) full.

But if a Southern road trip isn’t on your agenda this year, no worry! Here are 5 tips for making boiled peanuts at home.

1. Use raw or green peanuts – There’s an ongoing debate among boiled peanut connoisseurs about whether or not it’s acceptable to use anything other than green peanuts for boiling. The truth is, both work great but raw peanuts take more time to soften. Green peanuts are freshly dug and haven’t been through a drying process, so their moisture content is already high. It’s like boiling fresh beans versus dry. One is quicker to cook than the other but they both taste great in the end.

2. Salt the water! – There’s a saying among chefs that water for boiling pasta should be “salty like the ocean.” The same is true for boiled peanuts. If you’re concerned about the volume of salt a recipe calls for, feel free to cut back some.

3. Consider seasoning – Many boiled peanut vendors offer either traditional or Cajun. You can impart flavor to your boiled peanuts by adding seasonings, spices, and even aromatic vegetables like jalapeño peppers. Just make sure you add enough to flavor the cooking liquid. If you can’t taste it in the liquid, then you won’t taste it in the peanuts.

4. Add vinegar for depth of flavor – Much like adding spices and seasonings, adding vinegar to your boiled peanuts provides another layer of flavor. Steven Satterfield, James Beard Award-winning chef and author of the Short Stack cookbook, Peanuts, says that he adds apple cider vinegar to his boiled peanuts to balance the taste and give them a little tang. If you can delight even more taste buds on the tongue, why not?

5. Don’t eat the shells – As with any delicacy, there is an etiquette for eating boiled peanuts. While the rule of thumb for oysters is to “shuck it and suck it,” the same concept applies to boiled peanuts. Peanut hulls (shells) are fibrous, and even after boiling are tough and chewy. There’s nothing wrong with eating peanut shells, but some might argue that you’re better off getting your roughage from leafy greens. We suggest pulling those shells apart and sucking out the kernels (along with all of their delicious, briny liquor) for the best boiled peanut experience.

Ready to make your own boiled peanuts? Check out our basic recipe here, and customize it using the tips above.

5 Tips to Make Boiled Peanuts: Road Trip Edition (2024)


Why won't my boiled peanuts come out of the shell? ›

It's completely normal for peanuts to stick to the shell after cooking and softening. If this happens, use your fingernail or a small spoon to get the peanut out.

Why won't my boiled peanuts get soft? ›

Dried peanuts may require boiling up to 24 hours until they soften. If your water is hard, full of minerals, or you are boiling at high altitude, then your boiling times for dried peanuts may be greater than 24 hours.

Why put vinegar in boiled peanuts overnight? ›

Made from sugar, fermented apples, and yeast, the vinegar adds a sweet, tangy flavor to the peanuts. The acid provides balance to the savory spices that have already been added, transforming the peanuts into a well-rounded, flavorful snack with depth. Read ahead to learn how to make the perfect pot of boiled peanuts.

How do you keep boiled peanuts good? ›

How do you store boiled peanuts? Fresh boiled peanuts should be kept refrigerated and will keep for about 10 days, possibly longer, in the fridge. For longer storage, boiled peanuts should be frozen. Raw dried peanuts, of the sort that we sell with our kits, keep for over four months in a cool, dark, dry spot.

Can you over boil boiled peanuts? ›

It is very hard to overcook boiled peanuts. When in doubt, give them a little longer.

Is it better to boil peanuts raw or green? ›

The truth is, both work great but raw peanuts take more time to soften. Green peanuts are freshly dug and haven't been through a drying process, so their moisture content is already high. It's like boiling fresh beans versus dry. One is quicker to cook than the other but they both taste great in the end.

How to know when boiled peanuts are done? ›

Bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce heat to low. Simmer, covered, until peanuts have softened to your preferred consistency, 2 to 3 hours if you were able to soak peanuts, 5 to 6 hours if not. Check peanuts after 2 hours to sample their texture and salinity.

How long do you soak peanuts after boiling? ›

Allow to soak for eight hours or overnight.

What if boiled peanuts are not salty enough? ›

If they reach the right texture but aren't salty enough, take them off the heat and let them sit in the brine. Test for saltiness every 10 minutes until they get right. Once they reach the perfect stage, drain the brine. If you leave them sitting in the brine, they will continue getting saltier.

What makes boiled peanuts good? ›

The process of boiling peanuts draws antioxidants from their shells. The boiled peanuts have four times the antioxidants of raw or roasted peanuts. Boiled peanuts have also been studied as a potential way to treat people with peanut allergies since boiling peanuts denatures proteins that trigger allergic reactions.

Why do people soak peanuts in co*ke? ›

The combination is believed to have developed in the South during the 1920s, as a snack for blue-collar workers that did not require them to wash their hands.

Why do my boiled peanuts taste sweet? ›

The peanut, itself, is soft and tender. Since they are cooked in salty water, they take on a salty taste which compliments their subtle sweet flavor.

How long can boiled peanuts sit out overnight? ›

There is so much moisture in boiled peanuts that they will spoil and may harbor bacteria if left out at room temperature more than a couple of hours. Boiled peanuts taste great cold, and the refrigerator will keep them fresh for several days (again like leftover peas or beans).

Do you eat the shell on boiled peanuts? ›

How to Eat a Boiled Peanut
  1. Pinch the peanut at the seam.
  2. Slurp the brine out of the peanut shell.
  3. Crack the shell and wiggle the legume loose.
  4. Enjoy!

Do you drain boiled peanuts before storing? ›

When stored in their shells in an airtight container in the fridge, boiled peanuts will last up to 10 days. You can store them in the cooking liquid or drain them dry. You can also store them in the freezer for several months. Thaw at room temperature before serving.

How long to boil raw peanuts without shell? ›

Boil for 2 to 3 hours or longer (some boil their peanuts all day), until peanuts reach desired level of softness.

Why are my boiled peanuts floating? ›

Peanuts in their shells will float initially. Don't worry about this. Some people like to put a smaller pot lid, a too small lid, or heat resistant plate, placed over the boiling peanuts, inside the big pot to push the peanuts under the water.

Why do you have to soak peanuts before boiling them? ›

Soaking peanuts eight hours or overnight cuts the boiling time in half, to as little as two hours.

What do spoiled boiled peanuts look like? ›

Boiled peanuts that were not stored refrigerated, or old, spoiled boiled peanuts will become slimy and nasty. Only overcooked boiled peanuts are mushy and hard to remove from the shells.

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