What Are Mirror Twins? Here's Everything You Want to Know (2024)

What Are Mirror Twins? Here's Everything You Want to Know (1)Share on Pinterest

Twins are relatively common. In fact, the number of live twin births in 2018 was 32.6 twins per 1,000 births.

And while most of us know a pair of fraternal or identical twins — after all, if you grew up in the 80s or 90s, you probably watched a well-known set on “Full House” — fewer know about mirror twins.

The phenomena — which occurs in approximately 25 percent of all identical twins, according to Laura Segal, PhD, director of the Twin Studies Center at California State University, Fullerton — is common but relatively unknown.

So how do you know if you have (or are a) mirror twin? Here’s everything you need to know about this fascinating condition.

The term mirror twin is used to describe a type of identical, or monozygotic, twin pairing in which the twins are matched as if they’re looking into a mirror — with defining characteristics like birthmarks, dominant hands, or other features on opposite sides.

Mirror twins always come from a single fertilized egg and share the same genetic makeup. That said, the exact cause of the mirroring in some twin pairs is unclear. Some researchers suggest mirror twins occur when an egg splits later in the fertilization process.

Eggs usually split within a week of conception (or less). However, some split later, around 7 to 10 days after — and this may explain the variation. However, researchers have yet to determine why mirroring occurs.

While all mirror twins are identical, not all identical twins are mirror twins. After all, mirror twins only occur when a single egg splits and that split causes specific traits to develop.

According to Leann Poston, MD, a medical content expert at Invigor Medical, “Mirror twins are a type of identical twins which occur when an egg splits later in development and when said egg has already activated the genes that determine the right and left side of the embryo.”

While mirror twins often self-identify because they have opposite anatomical features (one has a freckle on the left cheek, while the other has one on the right cheek), they do typically have identical skin, eye, and hair colors. Their size and weight may also be similar.

There is no specific test used to diagnose mirror twins. A DNA test can confirm whether twins are identical, but there are no markers related to mirror twins.

Rather, the condition is self-identified. When twins have opposite features from their sibling, they may refer to themselves as mirror twins.

Some examples of mirrored features include:

  • birthmarks
  • freckles
  • moles
  • dimples
  • ear shape
  • eye shape
  • nose shape
  • hairlines
  • teeth

Mirror twins may also have asymmetrical physiological features, with “functional mirroring.” Some mirror twins, for example, will sleep on opposite sides while others have altered gaits — one leads with their right foot, while the other leads with their left.

Poston tells Healthline “one mirror twin may be left-handed and the other right-handed, and fingerprints, while not identical, may be similar and present in an opposite pattern.”

One older study from 1993 noted that some mirror twins exhibit “medical mirroring” — such as dental features as described in this Scientific American blog post — or “psychological mirroring” — opposite career interests, temperaments, and even sexual orientation.

In some rare cases, mirror twins have a condition known as situs inversus, which causes their internal organs to be arranged on opposite sides of their body. The liver on one twin, for example, would be in its usual place — in the upper right side of the abdomen — while the liver in the other twin would be on the left.

An X-ray, CAT scan, MRI, or ultrasound can be used to diagnose this condition.

That said, it is important to reiterate that mirror twinning — in and of itself — isn’t an official diagnosis. Rather, mirror twins are a subset of identical twins which describes an aspect of their physical appearance and/or movements.

While the term mirror twin may not be well-known, the phenomena is. In fact, millions of identical twins can and do identify as “mirror twins.” The best way to determine if you — or your littles — are mirror twins is to look (yes) in the mirror.

What Are Mirror Twins? Here's Everything You Want to Know (2024)


What Are Mirror Twins? Here's Everything You Want to Know? ›

Mirror twins are an unofficial category of identical twins, says Sasha Andrews, M.D., maternal-fetal medicine specialist at Pediatrix Medical Group in Denver. They have the exact same features, but one or more of them may be swapped, making one twin look like the reflection of the other, rather than exactly identical.

What are mirrored twins? ›

INTRODUCTION. In a small category of twins, termed as mirror twins, a characteristic manifested in a twin on one side, for example, on the right side, is noted in the other twin on the other side, i.e., on the left side.

Do mirror twins have the same fingerprints? ›

Even identical twins – who have the same DNA sequence and tend to share a very similar appearance – have slightly different fingerprints. That's because fingerprints are influenced by both genetic and environmental factors during development in the womb.

Are Mary Kate and Ashley identical twins? ›

33 Surprising Facts You Might Not Know About Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen. 1. While many people can't tell them apart, Mary-Kate and Ashley are not identical, but rather fraternal: Mary-Kate is one inch taller than her sister and is left-handed, while Ashley is right-handed.

What question do twin studies attempt to answer? ›

Scholars have long studied twins to address the “nature and nurture” question; however, opposing “nature” to “nurture” is misleading. Genes combine with the environment to produce complex human traits. The importance of genes suggested by earlier twin studies has often been confirmed by later molecular genetic studies.

Can mirror twins be different genders? ›

The simple answer is yes. While there have been a few reported cases of identical twins being born with different sexes, this occurrence is so rare, it's not something twin parents should realistically consider as a possibility.

Do mirror twins have the same blood type? ›

Monozygotic (identical) twins will have the same blood type, with a few very rare exceptions. Dizygotic (fraternal) twins may have the same blood type, or they may have different types. Therefore, it may be concluded that twins with differing blood types are dizygotic, or fraternal.

What are polar twins? ›

Polar body twins.

The bigger one is called the egg and the smaller one is called the “polar body.” Both are fertilized by two separate sperms. This results in twins that look very much alike, but they share about 75% of the DNA, unlike identical twins who share 100% or fraternal twins who share 50% of the DNA.

Do identical twins have 100% the same DNA? ›

The DNA of monozygotic twins tends not to be 100% identical, and epigenetic and environmental differences further widen the gap between twin pairs. It's not nature or nurture; it's a complex interaction between our genes, our environment, and our epigenetic markers that shape who we are and what illnesses befall us.

What is a sororal twin? ›

Dizygotic (DZ) or fraternal twins (also referred to as "non-identical twins", "dissimilar twins", "biovular twins", and, informally in the case of females, "sororal twins") usually occur when two fertilized eggs are implanted in the uterus wall at the same time.

Do brothers have the same size PP? ›

The X chromosone contains 900–1,400 genes , whereas the Y chromosome houses only about 70–200 genes . This difference may explain why penis size varies among siblings with the same biological parents.

Can a twin have twins? ›

Heredity – a woman is more likely to conceive fraternal twins if she is a fraternal twin, has already had fraternal twins, or has siblings who are fraternal twins. These women are hyper-ovulators and are able to produce more than one egg at a time.

Who carries the gene for twins? ›

The gene for hyperovulation can come from either side of the family, but the woman would need to have the gene in order for the couple to have twins based on genetics. In other words, twins on the father's side of the family will have no influence on your chances of having twins.

What is mirroring twin syndrome? ›

In some rare cases, mirror twins have a condition known as situs inversus, which causes their internal organs to be arranged on opposite sides of their body. The liver on one twin, for example, would be in its usual place — in the upper right side of the abdomen — while the liver in the other twin would be on the left.

What is the rarest type of twin? ›

Monoamniotic-monochorionic Twins

These types of twins share a chorion, placenta, and an amniotic sac. This is the rarest type of twin, and it means a riskier pregnancy as the babies can get tangled in their own umbilical cords.

What does mirroring mean in twin flame? ›

In the context of Twin Flames, the term “mirroring” refers to the idea that anything we observe outside of ourselves is only a reflection of what is going on inside of ourselves (expectations and beliefs). Mirroring is not only a Twin Flame idea or method.

What causes an embryo to split into twins? ›

Several factors for causes of embryo splitting were suggested, including maternal age, prolonged embryo culture, ovarian stimulation, and zona pellucida (ZP) manipulation [6].

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