Top 10 Tips for Choosing Baby Clothes for Newborns (2024)

"Children bring us a piece of heaven on earth." – Roland Leonhardt.

Having children and starting a family is one of the most beautiful experiences in the world. It is that time when parents daydream about their little one, make plans for the baby, and create a shopping list to get all the necessary stuff to make him comfortable in this world.

If you are a parent, the top thing on your priority list will be to shop for baby clothes for newborns. It is an exciting time in your life. You roam the market while looking for the perfect outfits for your little one. You look at every piece and wonder how adorable your little one will look in it. But with so many options, finding the most comfortable and easy-to-use baby clothes can get daunting and intimidating.

If you are searching for the perfect baby outfits for your little one, you are at the right place. In this article, we will share a few handy tips to keep in mind while shopping for baby clothes.

How to choose the best baby clothes for newborns?

Before you start your baby shopping, look at our tips for a helpful shopping experience.

Prefer Functionality over Fashion.

We know how much you crave to make your baby look straight out of a runway, but there is no point in dressing him up if he isn't comfortable. At Oeteo, you will find adorable clothes that are stylish and provide ease of use for the parents.

Our innovation Easyeo is perfect for little ones. You can use them underneath warm layers in winter or as a single piece in summers. The no-button and zip design is easy to wear and provides ultimate comfort and style. You can find various rompers and choose the best ones according to your choice.

Choose Natural Fabric

Children are more sensitive to harmful materials than adults. Their skin is more prone to allergies triggered by even the slightest toxic substances. Choosing natural fabric for baby clothes is essential as they are a safe option.

At Oeteo, you will find several fabrics in baby clothes for newborns. We mainly offer

  • Natural cotton
  • Organic Cotton
  • Muslin
  • Bamboo

All these fabrics are hypoallergenic and suitable for your baby's sensitive skin. You can know more about the materials and their benefits here.

Weather Appropriate Clothing

Top 10 Tips for Choosing Baby Clothes for Newborns (1)

The baby clothes for a newborn should always be weather appropriate. We know it sounds basic, but parents usually ignore the texture and fabric of clothes just because they are adorable. Babies tend to feel cold much more than adults as they have a weaker immunity.

Similarly, light and breezy clothes are essential in summers to prevent your child from heat strokes. If you do not like to carry separate mittens and socks with you all the time, Oeteo has the perfect solution for you. Our innovation Easywear is the perfect collection for you as it includes rompers with inbuilt mittens and socks. You can scroll for more prints and patterns here to get the cutest ones for your little one.

Keep it Simple

Fancy dresses with embellishments are every girl's parent's weakness, but you should keep it simple. Babies have sensitive skin, and heavy embellishments can cause itching and irritation. But then the question is how to find simple, easy-to-wear clothes that are also pretty and stylish to wear.

We at Oeteo, know what parents think, and we constantly thrive on coming up with solutions to your concerns. Our vast summer dresses and sets collection is the perfect way to go. You will be amazed to find trendy baby clothes for newborns with comfort and ease of use. Our well-crafted garments are perfect for any occasion.

Make a Note of the Size

Top 10 Tips for Choosing Baby Clothes for Newborns (2)

One of the common mistakes that new parents usually make is getting the wrong size of baby clothes for their newborn. Looking at size tags and getting the perfect one can get intimidating sometimes.

Oeteo provides a detailed size guide for your baby's height and weight to help you make a sound decision. Now there is no need to follow the size tags; you can refer to our chart and get an idea about your baby's size more easily. Here is the link to our size guide for your assistance.

Stock up on Basic Things

Along with getting baby clothes for newborns, stocking up on basic things is also essential. You cannot imagine the number of burp cloths, face towels, swaddles, and bibs you will need in a day. Look for the absorbent and pure cotton fabric to ensure your baby is always comfortable.

Oeteo provides a wide variety of accessories with adorable prints. You can have a look at our accessories here.

Look for Wearable Blankets.

If you do not wish to swaddle your little one, it is always good to look for a wearable blanket or sleeping bag. It will help your child have more space to wriggle while keeping him warm and snuggly.

Our fantastic innovation Easy suit is a perfect combination of feasibility and comfort. You can have a look at our cute new suit collection here.

Don't Forget the Essentials.

You will need a lot of stuff while taking care of a newborn baby. Stocking up on diapers, wet wipes, and changing mats is the way to go. Babies can poop about 4-5 times a day during the initial days. So always keep your baby bag stocked with spare clothes and diapers to handle any emergency.

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Final Words

Parents must remember that their newborn babies need comfortable and soft clothes. Stocking up on fancy garments will not only cause stress for the baby but for yourself as well. Always prioritize comfort over style and look for pure natural fabric.

We hope our tips will be helpful for you to make your shopping much more manageable. Our comprehensive collection of baby clothes and essentials can also help you get the best clothes and accessories.

Top 10 Tips for Choosing Baby Clothes for Newborns (2024)
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Name: Edwin Metz

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