To Peel Or Not To Peel? (2024)

Emily Han

Emily Han

Emily Han is a Los Angeles-based recipe developer, educator, herbalist, and author of Wild Drinks & co*cktails and co-author of Wild Remedies. For recipes and classes, check out her personal site.


published Nov 5, 2009




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A couple we know recently asked us to settle a debate. He always peeled carrots before cooking; she thought it was wasteful and unnecessary. We told them what we do, but we’re also curious to hear from our readers. Do you peel your carrots? What about other fruits and vegetables, like cucumbers, eggplants, and squash?

We like to eat any peels that are clean, tender, and tasty enough, believing that they contain good nutrients and fiber. Some vegetables, like celery root, have tough outer peels, which we always remove. Parsnips we assess on a case-by-case basis; the best flavor is actually right below the skin, so we try to avoid removing too much. As for carrots, we usually just scrub them well and leave the peel on.

Our decision to peel also depends on where we got the produce and whether it’s conventionally or organically grown. Foods like cucumbers, bell peppers, eggplants, and potatoes might also be coated with wax and we’d rather not munch on that!

(Image: Flickr member Connors75, used by permission)

To Peel Or Not To Peel? (2024)
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