Stop, Think, Buy! Things To Remember While Choosing Clothes (2024)

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Going on a shopping spree is possibly the easiest and the most enjoyable for everybody (we’re not being gender specific here). Today when shopping stores are actually installed on our phones, shopping is an impulsive activity for most people. One that helps them get that adrenaline rush. The best clothes online shopping sites, like Untung, have made it a seamless experience for users to get their outfits without any hassle.

Don’t worry, this blog isn’t here to send you on a guilt trip. It’ll just shed some light on the things to consider while shopping and will help you become a conscious shopper. After all, Untung is all about keeping your fashion game on point while being a smart and responsible shopper. Untung is one of the Indian sites for online shopping that ensures an excellent clothing experience for all its users.

So, here are a few tips and factors to consider while you are on that shopping spree. These will surely come in handy to avoid unnecessary wardrobe clutter. Let’s go!

Stop, Think, Buy! Things To Remember While Choosing Clothes (1)

1. Are you buying only what you like?
As the title suggests, “Stop, think, buy!”. Very often, out of greed (which we admit is pretty uncontrollable, especially when you visit Untung), we forget to stop and think if what we are buying is something that we actually need or is it simply because we are following a hyper friend’s fashion advice, or because it looks cool on a model or because that inner you says, “Just Get It!”. Make sure you give these factors a thought the next time you go on an impulse buy or get something you’re not very sure about. Buy what you will carry with happiness.

Stop, Think, Buy! Things To Remember While Choosing Clothes (2)

2.Did you check your closet?
Okay, we totally get it when your wardrobe is out of clothes or the latest trends. And that’s what we are here for. But before you go to Google whining and type “beautiful dresses for women”, are you actually doing a temp-check on your existing collection? Based on what’s lagging or what’s in plenty, make your next outfit shopping list. If that closet is truly out of cool clothes (like the ones at Untung) then you surely need to get an upgrade. After all, you are a responsible shopper but still a trendy diva whose fashion game leaves everyone awestruck. But doing this check will surely save you from spending too much or from running out of outfits.

Stop, Think, Buy! Things To Remember While Choosing Clothes (3)

3. Does it suit your taste?
Now, we are for experimenting and stepping out of your comfort zone when it comes to fashion but at the same time, it’s important that you look out for bizarre fashion decisions that can totally spoil your entire look. And yes, the beauty standards out there are crazy and often not inclusive. It’s important that you understand whether those party wear dresses for women that you are going for will suit your taste or not. AVOID PEER PRESSURE during such times. It’s your body and your style, it should be all about you and suit your clothing style. Even while experimenting, it's important that you are careful or your entire wardrobe could be corrupted. Untung lends a fairly helpful hand with collections, fabrics and colors that suit one and all at all times.

4. A Fit That Fits You
As mentioned before, the market standards of beauty are unfair and unrealistic. But we want you to be sure at all times that you are comfortable in your skin. Make sure you buy outfits that fit you. Long or short, big or small, tight or loose. It’s important to be aware of what makes your appearance and your body feel comfortable and what suits the occasion. Shop as per what makes you feel comfortable. What you are wearing anywhere should be the last of your concerns. Only then will you be the carefree beauty that you are!

Stop, Think, Buy! Things To Remember While Choosing Clothes (4)

5. Are you adding just the right colors?
Yeah, this one is but obvious! But why do we forget it so often? You need to understand the colors you need, the colors that work for you and the colors that don’t. While purchasing beautiful dresses for women, especially, this factor has to be kept in mind because there isn’t any other element in your outfit apart from the dress itself to strike that right balance. Untung’s range of dresses, co-ord sets, kurtas and tops come in exemplary color palettes that give you exactly what you are looking for. In the end, no matter how pretty of a dress you are wearing or no matter how well you are accessorizing, unsettling colors can make it or totally break it for you.

Stop, Think, Buy! Things To Remember While Choosing Clothes (5)

6. Quality Check: Check ☑️
You must admit that while purchasing outfits, even from the best clothes online shopping sites, quality and durability are often ignored, just because something “Looks Good”. However, this should be the first thing on your list of criteria while shopping. Yes, clothes don’t come with a guarantee or warranty but checking the material used and the wash care instructions always let you take proper care of the clothes and lets you know what quality material is touching your body. These factors help you buy wisely while also ensuring how to make those clothes last with proper care.

Stop, Think, Buy! Things To Remember While Choosing Clothes (6)

7.Check your wallet first!
Not to sound derogatory, but you must consider your budget, the worth and the price of the clothes you shop for. Quite often even the most beautiful dresses for women that might cost you half your pocket money or salary are just not worth the price (although at Uutung this rarely happens). Yes, we believe in all that jazz, flash and pizzazz but sensible and planned shopping that’s actually worth the price you are paying can save you those bucks you might be spending unnecessarily. Are you checking the tag while buying an outfit from a sale, are you making the right calculations, would you prefer waiting until that costly top is on sale? These factors ensure that you become a smart shopper.

Now that we have enlightened you enough, we will leave you one last EPIC shopping advice. Check out Untung for the best range of ethnic and indo-western outfits and loungewear. Trust us, we check all the boxes on the list that we have mentioned above. Our sustainable fashion initiative is sure to make you an aware shopper in the real sense. Try now!

Stop, Think, Buy! Things To Remember While Choosing Clothes (2024)


Stop, Think, Buy! Things To Remember While Choosing Clothes? ›

A Fit That Fits You

How do I stop thinking about buying clothes? ›

Replace shopping with other activities

Shopping does truly bring some people happiness—and that's okay! But shopping bags aren't the only good thing in life. Think about what else you enjoy besides spending money. If you find yourself pulling up your favorite shopping website, go for a walk or call a friend instead.

What psychological reasons affect our clothing choices? ›

The Influence of Clothing Style:

Our clothing style can be a reflection of our personality and a means of expressing ourselves. Wearing clothing that aligns with our personal style can boost our mood by reinforcing our sense of identity and individuality.

Why do I keep buying clothes and not wearing them? ›

The main reason why you're always buying clothes is that fast fashion has been keeping you trapped. BUT you might also use shopping as a coping mechanism or have triggers that get you to click 'add to cart. ' Get to the bottom of them so that you can replace them with different behaviours.

Do the clothes a person wears influence what you think of them? ›

We do these things without thinking because we can't imagine that our clothes could have an influence on our thoughts. However, psychologists have confirmed that the way we dress not only has an impact on the way that we are perceived by others, but also on how we perceive ourselves.

How to resist the urge to buy stuff? ›

Remove temptation and encouragement to shop by unsubscribing from your favorite store newsletters. Steer clear of one-click shopping. Don't help friends shop. Stop window shopping, reading magazines, and following shopping recommendations from your favorites on social media.

What is the psychology behind buying things? ›

Many human behaviors are driven by reward. Purchasing a new gadget or item of clothing triggers a surge of dopamine, which creates pleasurable feelings. Though the glow of a new purchase may not last long, the desire to once again be rewarded with a burst of dopamine drives us to buy more.

What is the psychology of choosing clothes? ›

Clothing can significantly impact our self-esteem by influencing how we perceive ourselves and how others perceive us. Wearing clothing that makes us feel confident and comfortable can boost self-esteem and enhance our sense of self-worth.

What do clothes say about your personality? ›

It also influences how others perceive us, shaping their initial impressions and interactions with us. Our clothing choices can convey professionalism, creativity, confidence, or even rebellion. They provide a glimpse into our personality and can act as a form of nonverbal communication.

How does clothing affect mental health? ›

Psychology of Fashion and Clothing:

For instance, wearing bright colours might express positivity and confidence while lighter colours may express a more relaxed and happy state of mind. Confidence: Putting on an outfit that makes you feel good can boost your confidence tremendously.

How to stop impulse buying clothes? ›

how to stop impulse buying and love your wardrobe
  1. Reduce the options. No matter how frustrated you are, resist the urge to throw everything away. ...
  2. Turn your closet into a boutique. My favorite way to love your closet is by turning it into your own shoppable boutique. ...
  3. Invest in a tailor. ...
  4. Resist future purchases.
Apr 27, 2024

Is buying clothes a coping mechanism? ›

Spending money can be a coping mechanism like anything else, something you turn to when you're feeling emotional, need a little flicker of something new or aspirational, or want to activate the feel-good chemicals in your brain, says Lindsay Bryan-Podvin, LMSW, certified financial therapist and founder of Mind Money ...

How to stop overbuying? ›

Here's what I've learned about how to avoid piling up too much stuff and how to stop making unnecessary, excessive, and ultimately unsatisfying purchases.
  1. Do an inventory check. ...
  2. Buy good quality—and use it. ...
  3. Count your blessings. ...
  4. Turn off the temptation. ...
  5. Play the waiting game. ...
  6. Learn to share.
Nov 20, 2014

What color to wear every day? ›

The Power of Colors in Vedic Astrology
Day of the WeekPlanetColor of Clothing
FridayVenusPurple, Pink
SaturdaySaturnBlack, Dark Blue
3 more rows
Jan 25, 2023

How does clothing affect the brain? ›

The idea is that certain garments can trigger a release of dopamine in our brains when worn, making us feel good and even more confident. Clothing with bright or bold colors is thought to be especially effective because they have been proven to attract attention and boost self-esteem.

What factors influence people's choice of clothes? ›

Factors that play an important role while choosing your dress include climate, weather, comfort, fit, appropriateness to the event, locale and social group, attractiveness, cost, fashion and personal taste.

Why am I so obsessed with buying clothes? ›

Many people develop an addiction as a way to cope with their emotions. This is the same for people with a shopping addiction. Compulsive shopping and spending may be a way for you to avoid or mask negative and uncomfortable feelings, such as sadness, boredom, stress and anxiety.

Why do I have the urge to buy clothes? ›

Peer pressure can have a powerful effect, as can the boredom. “We get bored with what we've got, and we're also very much influenced by fashion trends, celebrities, social media and so on,” said Mair. “There's quite often a temptation to join in with those trends and be part of that…

How to stop using shopping as a coping mechanism? ›

8 Steps to Reduce Emotional Spending
  1. Monitor Your Spending to Find “Emotional” Purchases. ...
  2. Use the 48-Hour Rule. ...
  3. Remove Spending Apps from Your Phone (And Unsubscribe to Emails Encouraging You to Spend) ...
  4. Reduce Retail Therapy by Sticking to a Budget. ...
  5. Get Support from a Good Friend When Feeling Tempted to Spend.

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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

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Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.