Safety Tips on Children’s Apparel (2024)

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When choosing which apparel to buy for their children, parents and caregivers should take note of areas that could potentially cause harm. Embellishments such as bows, cords and drawstrings that make clothing fit better can also pose a strangulation hazard. Likewise, loose buttons or other small parts on the apparel may pose choking hazards.

General safety tips

  • Buy apparel to fit your child now rather than larger sizes to accommodate his or her growth. Oversized clothes or shoes leave your child susceptible to trips and falls.
  • Check for loose buttons or other small parts on the apparel that may pose choking hazards.
  • Wash all new clothes before wearing them. Textile and clothing may contain many harmful substances such as formaldehyde to make them softer, shrink resistant, strain-resistant, wrinkle-free, fire-retardant or moth-repellent. Washing can help to remove many of these substances.
  • Read labels carefully for the name, description and details of the textile fibre content.
  • Dress your child in activity-appropriate apparel.
  • Look out for the following to avoid strangulation hazards:
    • Cords and drawstrings should not be detachable.
    • Cords at the waist should not be more than 14cm in length.
    • For young children, belts and sashes at the back should not hang below the hem of the garment when untied.
    • Drawstrings and cords for garments that end below the crotch area should not hang below the garment.

For young children below age 7

  • Clothing should not have any cords or drawstrings around the hood and neck area.
  • Halter-styled clothes should be made as one continuous piece, i.e. with no loose or free ends.
  • Shoulder straps should be one continuous piece that is securely fastened and have no loose or free ends. For example, cords that are tied together should be avoided.

For older children between the ages of 7 and 14

  • Cords and drawstrings in the hood and neck are allowed but should not have loose or free ends.

If you have children’s clothes that do not meet the above requirements for cord or drawstrings, one way to make them safer is to remove or shorten them.

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Safety Tips on Children’s Apparel (2024)


What are the most important considerations in children's clothing? ›

Clothing that is too small or too large can inhibit body movement and interfere with a child's activities. Avoid uncomfortably small necklines, armholes, sleeves, and waistlines and elastic that is too tight. Clothing that is too large and twists around the body or trips the child should also be avoided.

What are 4 guidelines for choosing children's clothing? ›

By bearing this in mind, we prepared a list of tips you should know when buying clothes for your kids.
  • Make Sure It Is Comfortable. ...
  • Color Scheme. ...
  • Pick the Fabrics Wisely. ...
  • Classic Shapes and Funny Patterns. ...
  • Take Their Taste Into Consideration. ...
  • Occasion Matters As Well.
Jun 10, 2022

What are the basic requirements of children's clothing? ›

For young children below age 7

Clothing should not have any cords or drawstrings around the hood and neck area. Halter-styled clothes should be made as one continuous piece, i.e. with no loose or free ends. Shoulder straps should be one continuous piece that is securely fastened and have no loose or free ends.

What is EN 14682 Safety of children's clothing? ›

This document specifies requirements for cords and drawstrings on clothing to minimize the risk of accidental strangulation or entrapment, for children up to the age of 14 years. This includes disguise costumes[1] and ski apparel.

What are the characteristics of a good children's clothing? ›

Basic Children Clothing Requirements
  • Comfortable, soft, and easily worn or taken off when needed.
  • The clothes should be made in a form that can easily access the baby's nappy.
  • It should be non-flammable as much as possible.
  • It must be lightweight.
  • The clothes must not be irritating the child's skin.

What is the fashion 5 rule? ›

What Is the Five Outfit Rule? Per Barber, the five outfit rule goes like this: If you're going to buy something, it has to go with five things you already own. If it doesn't, you need to leave it behind. Overconsumption is a global issue that can impact your mental health more than you realize.

What are the main concern when choosing a children wear? ›

Comfort and Restriction in Clothing Choices

Fit and style are important considerations when choosing clothing for your child. Garments that restrict movement or are too tight can cause discomfort and irritation. Consider stretchy fabrics, such as cotton spandex, which offer both comfort and flexibility.

How do you control kids clothes? ›

How to Declutter Kids' Clothes
  1. 1| Take stock of what they gravitate towards.
  2. 2| Weed out what doesn't usually get worn.
  3. 3| Set a limit on the total number of clothes.
  4. 4| Create a Capsule Wardrobe.
  5. 1| It will simplify your life as a mom.
  6. 2| It will reduce mismatched outfits and unworn clothes.
  7. 3| Less laundry overall.

Why is clothing important for a child? ›

Additionally, clothing helps them explore their identity, learn to express themselves, and navigate social trends. Kids are finding out the importance of comfort and style and how the right clothes make them feel good about who they are.

How to dress children appropriately? ›

The perfect middle layer fit should be close to your little one's body without restraining movement. The outermost layer protects your child from environmental factors like wind, snow, and rain. Think waterproof jackets, merino wool socks, snug girls' and boys' shoes, and breathable outwear for this layer.

How many items of clothing should a child have? ›

Kids grow fast and we need to replace clothes quickly–so from a financial and sustainability perspective, it's important to buy less to waste less. A kid capsule ideally includes between 12-14 items of everyday wear. That means each season they need roughly 6 tops, 5 bottoms, and a dress for girls.

What is safety apparel? ›

Safety clothing regards items of personal protective equipment (PPE) that are intended to keep the wearer safe from needless risk and danger.

What fabric is safe for children? ›

Cotton, bamboo, and muslin are all great options. Breathability: Fabrics that allow air to circulate easily are ideal for babies. This helps prevent overheating and keeps babies comfortable. Look for lightweight cotton or bamboo fabrics.

Do children's clothes have to be fireproof? ›

Under US law, kids' pajamas from 9 months to size 14 must be flame resistant or tight fitting, both subject to specific standards. Why? A law that dates back to the 70s, to protect kids from burns by candles and space heaters, which were common back then and more dangerous with billowy nightgowns.

What do you consider as one of the most important factor in making children's wear? ›

Fabric choices, openings and fastenings, fit and ease, trimmings used are all major considerations when designing children's wear. Some other factors a designer designing for children's clothing should focus on are the changing shape of the growing kid and different proportions of the different parts of the body.

What factors should one consider in the selection of clothes? ›

Here are some important aspects to consider while buying and wearing clothes to make more effective wardrobe selections and create beautiful outfits.
  • Color.
  • Materials.
  • Cost.
  • Season.
  • Consider your body type.
  • Texture.
  • Check the size.
  • Occasion.
Aug 24, 2022

What are the points to consider in choosing fabric for children's wear? ›

There are many things to consider when buying children's clothing fabrics, including durability and comfort level. The best fabrics for kids are soft cotton blends that won't irritate skin or cause allergies.

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Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

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Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.