Runny pie likely due to underbaking (2024)

Runny pie likely due to underbaking (1)

Q: My pecan pie was a disaster. When I cut into it, the center was completely liquid. I’ve been following the recipe on the back of the Karo syrup bottle for years, and this is the first time it didn’t set up. What happened?

— J.Y., Niles

A: I consulted the Karo consumer line for the company’s input on the recipe.

A pecan pie is essentially a custard pie, and a liquid center is almost always the result of underbaking. The Karo Classic Pecan Pie recipe calls for baking the pie for 60 to 70 minutes at 350 degrees. In some ovens, however, the pie can take 75 minutes or more. Some bakers opt to reduce the oven temperature to 325 and bake the pie for a longer time. If you have concerns about your crust becoming too brown, simply cover it loosely with a piece of foil.

The best way to test for doneness in the custard is to use a thermometer. The custard under the pecan layer won’t set up until it reaches 200 degrees. You can also press a pecan with the back of a spoon; if it springs back, the pie has probably set.

That liquid center from your pie is safe to eat and makes a great ice-cream topping. It will keep in the refrigerator for one week.

You might also want to test your oven with a thermometer to see whether it is working as it should.

Ask a food or cooking question by writing Ask Lisa at The Dispatch, 34 S. 3rd St., Columbus, OH 43215; calling 614-461-5529; or sending email to, with “Ask Lisa” in the subject line. Include your name, address and phone number. (Initials are printed on request.)

Runny pie likely due to underbaking (2024)
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