Is Peanut Butter Keto? (2024)

On a sandwich, in smoothies, or straight out of the jar ⁠— peanut butter is a tasty and healthy staple that’s probably in your pantry right now.

However, if you’re following the low carbohydrate, high fat ketogenic (keto) diet, you may wonder if peanut butter can fit easily into the eating plan.

On a keto diet, your carb intake is drastically lowered to roughly 50 grams per day or less. That may help your body enter a state called ketosis, where you’re using fat rather than carbs for energy.

The diet was originally developed as an epilepsy treatment for children, but it has also shown some effectiveness for short-term weight loss and blood sugar management in adults (1).

Here’s how to include peanut butter on the keto diet.

Is Peanut Butter Keto? (1)Share on Pinterest

Peanut butter is moderately low in carbs and contains both fiber and healthy fat. Its composition makes peanut butter a balanced food that can be added to keto diets, depending on how it’s made.

This chart reviews some different types of peanut butter and their carb content in a 2-tablespoon (32–37 gram) serving.

Some people prefer to count net carbs (total carbs with fiber subtracted) on the keto diet, so we’ve included net carb information, too (2).

Smooth peanut butter (3)Crunchy peanut butter (3)Peanut butter with honey (4)Chocolate peanut butter (5)Reduced fat peanut butter (6)
Total carbs7 grams7 grams12 grams21 grams11 grams
Fiber2 grams2 grams1 gram1 gram2 grams
Net carbs5 grams5 grams11 grams20 grams9 grams

Nutrition info may vary slightly between brands, but for the most part, you can include moderate amounts of smooth or crunchy peanut butter on a keto diet.

However, peanut butter that contains honey or other sweet components like chocolate or fruit preserves may be too high in carbs from sugar to fit easily into a keto diet.

Also, be mindful that reduced fat peanut butter contains more carbs for the same serving size than regular smooth or crunchy peanut butter.


Regular peanut butter, whether smooth or crunchy, contains about 7 grams of total carbs or 5 grams of net carbs for a 2-tablespoon (32-gram) serving. Other varieties may be too high in carbs to fit easily into a keto diet.

To enjoy peanut butter on a keto diet, there are two key things to keep in mind.

First, check the ingredients for added sugars. Added sugar makes peanut butter sweeter and better for making desserts, but it can increase the carb count.

Additionally, be mindful of portion sizes, especially if you’re trying to lose weight. Peanut butter has a lot of calories for a relatively small serving. A standard serving size is 2 tablespoons (32 grams) ⁠— which may be less than you expect.

If you can’t eat peanut butter or are looking for an alternative that is even lower in carbs, almond butter is a good option. It contains 6 grams of total carbs, or 3 grams net carbs, per 2-tablespoon (32-gram) serving (7).


Some peanut butter includes added sugars, which increase carb count. Unsweetened, plain almond butter is a slightly more keto-friendly alternative to peanut butter.

Heads up

Trying to “do it right” when it comes to nutrition may feel tempting, but it can backfire.

If you are preoccupied with food or your weight, feel guilt surrounding your food choices, or routinely engage in restrictive diets, consider reaching out for support. These behaviors may indicate a disordered relationship with food or an eating disorder.

Disordered eating and eating disorders can affect anyone, regardless of gender identity, race, age, body size, socioeconomic status, or other identities.

They can be caused by any combination of biological, social, cultural, and environmental factors — not just by exposure to diet culture.

Feel empowered to talk with a qualified healthcare professional, such as a registered dietitian, if you’re struggling.

You can also chat, call, or text anonymously with trained volunteers at the National Eating Disorders Association helpline for free or explore the organization’s free and low cost resources.

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Peanut butter can definitely be part of a keto diet, but it’s best to stick to plain options that are free of extra flavors and sweeteners. Almond butter is a good choice, too, and it’s slightly lower in carbs.

Additionally, you should be mindful of your portion size if you’re trying to lose weight. A 2-tablespoon (32-gram) serving may be smaller than you expect it to be.

Regardless, regular peanut butter in moderate amounts can be easily worked into your daily carb allotment, putting you one step closer to the perfect keto-friendly peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

Just one thing

Try this today: If you are allergic to peanuts or tree nuts, you can try sunflower seed butter or tahini ⁠— which is a paste made from sesame seeds ⁠— as a nut-free alternative.

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Is Peanut Butter Keto? (2024)


Is Peanut Butter Keto? ›

"Nut butter is high in fat and protein and suitable on a keto diet. Same with peanut butter, almond butter, and sunflower seed butter," says Crandall Snyder.

How much peanut butter can I eat on keto? ›

You can enjoy two tablespoons of this popular spread at a time, even up to five tablespoons, without going over 50 grams of carbs in a day (the upper limit for the standard keto diet) and getting kicked out of ketosis. Also, this amount should leave room for other foods even after eating peanut butter.

Can you eat peanut butter and stay in ketosis? ›

Peanut butter can definitely be part of a keto diet, but it's best to stick to plain options that are free of extra flavors and sweeteners. Almond butter is a good choice, too, and it's slightly lower in carbs. Additionally, you should be mindful of your portion size if you're trying to lose weight.

Can I have a spoon of peanut butter on keto? ›

A spoonful of peanut butter is a perfect Keto snack! We also recently launched our Keto & No Sugar Added Box so you can snag all your favorites at one time. It's the perfect assortment for peanut butter lovers who are watching their net carbs.

Is peanut butter good for no carb diet? ›

Yep! Peeps following a keto diet can totally enjoy peanut butter. But it's important to stick with natural, unsweetened PB and be mindful of your portion sizes to maintain ketosis. Lots of manufactured peanut butter products contain added sugars, which increase the carb content.

What peanut butter is keto-approved? ›

What kind of peanut butter is best for keto? "Make sure to look for peanut butters with only up to two ingredients in them: peanuts, and maybe salt," Godfrey says. She recommends Smuckers Natural peanut butter, either creamy or chunky.

Can you snack all day on keto? ›

Yet, consuming too many high-calorie ketogenic snacks like nuts, nut butter, fat bombs, cheese and jerky may cause your weight loss to plateau. Though these snacks are healthy in moderation, it's best to choose lower-calorie options if you're having more than one snack session per day.

Can you eat as much as you want on keto? ›

While it's true that the keto diet involves eating lots of protein and fat with very limited carbohydrates, it doesn't mean you can eat in infinite quantities. Like any diet, its success depends on you achieving a calorie deficit.

Is Jif peanut butter OK for keto? ›

Is Peanut Butter Keto-Friendly? In general, registered dietitian Abigail Rapaport Fay, RDN, says that natural peanut butter is absolutely keto-friendly. This is because it follows the ratio of high fat, moderate protein and low carb (and low sugar).

Can I eat apples on keto? ›

Are Apples Keto-Friendly? Apples are generally not considered keto-friendly as they are relatively high in carbs. One medium-sized apple contains about 20 grams of net carbs, which can quickly add up and may not fit within the daily carb limit for those following a ketogenic diet.

Is cheese keto-friendly? ›

All types of cheese are allowed on the keto diet, as cheese is relatively low in carbohydrate, which complies with the key principle of the keto diet. The Ketogenic diet or “keto” diet is a low carbohydrate and high fat eating plan.

What are the best nuts to eat on keto? ›

Brazil, macadamia, and pecan nuts are all good keto options. These varieties are low in carbs and high in fiber. Fiber passes through the digestive system relatively untouched, so your body doesn't use the glucose from those carbs. That's why many people on a keto diet go by net carbs.

Is cottage cheese good for keto? ›

Cottage cheese, like ricotta, is not as keto-friendly, and you should limit the amount you eat if you're on a strict keto diet, says Weiss. While cottage cheese is known for its high protein content, it also contains a relatively high amount of carbs and not that much fat, making it a less-than-ideal choice for keto.

Is cream cheese keto? ›

Cream cheese: Cream cheese is very popular in the keto diet. At only 84 calories per 1 ounce serving, it has 1 gram of carbs and 2 grams of protein but packs 8 grams of fat per serving. It can be a keto-friendly snack or meal addition when more fat is needed.

Can I have Jif peanut butter on keto? ›

Is Peanut Butter Keto-Friendly? In general, registered dietitian Abigail Rapaport Fay, RDN, says that natural peanut butter is absolutely keto-friendly. This is because it follows the ratio of high fat, moderate protein and low carb (and low sugar).

How much butter should I eat a day on keto? ›

The amount of butter that is OK to consume on a keto diet varies from person to person. Generally, consuming around 70-80% of your daily calorie intake from fat is recommended. One tablespoon of butter contains approximately 11.5 grams of fat, so you can calculate your daily macros based on your needs.

Why am I craving peanut butter on keto? ›

If you're on a low-fat diet, you may not be getting enough healthy fats, which can make you crave peanut butter. Peanut butter is also a common appetite suppressant in people following a low-carbohydrate diet. Low-sugar peanut butters are part of the accepted food category on many low-carb diets.

How many carbs a day on keto? ›

On the keto diet, you are allowed to have no more than 50 grams of net carbs per day – and the fewer, the better! But by focusing on “net” rather than “total” carbs, you won't be denying your body the essential fiber it needs for proper function.

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