Everything you MUST know about Israeli Breakfast - Israeli Box (2024)

Israel has great food. That’s probably no surprise for you. But… if there’s something truly special, that Israel is known for worldwide and sets us apart… it’s Israeli breakfast!

Israeli breakfast is a staple in a wide range of places throughout the country. Hotels offer outrageous and amazing spreads, restaurants and coffee shops fight over who has the best breakfast and brunch in the country and Israelis enjoy eating the staple meal at home. Israeli breakfast is known for its abundance and wide range of foods as well as its exceptional freshness.

So, what’s the big deal? Why is Israeli breakfast so special and where did it come from?

What is the history of Israeli breakfast?

Israeli breakfast as we know it today dates back to the founding of the State of Israel and the Kibbutz movement. In the Kibbutz, residents would eat their meals in a dining hall (this still happens at select Kibbutzim today!). After working in the fields in the early morning hours, they would head in for a substantial meal served buffet style. It featured a wide range of options including eggs, Israeli salad, breads, dips, and more.

As the breakfast style became more and more popular, hotels adopted the Israeli breakfast style and began serving it in the dining room buffets. Over time, it made its way to restaurants and to individual homes. Today you can find Israeli breakfast everywhere!

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Israelibox sends Israel in a box straight to your home each month. Featuring small businesses and a monthly non-profit, there’s no better way to support Israel and enjoy its products at the same time.

Shalom, I’m Maya, a native Israeli (aka sabra) and the founder of Israelibox.
IsraeliBox is a subscription box that brings Israel closer to you than ever.

I started Israelibox to give you the chance to experience Israel like Israelis do.

Join me in supporting Israel in a unique way while enjoying the great products our small businesses have to offer.

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What is Israeli breakfast?

Israeli breakfast is a dairy meal (always… no meat involved) that features just about everything that makes Israeli food so delicious. There’s always an egg dish involved (whatever style you prefer or even shakshuka!), fresh salads (including Israeli salad of course), cheeses, spreads (including fish such as tuna or herring), breads, hummus, tehina, labaneh, butter and jelly, the list goes on!

Israeli breakfast is so fun and enjoyable because of the wide range of options. It is also typically served together with fresh juice and coffee or tea.

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Where is the best Israeli breakfast?

The million-shekel question! You won’t find a right answer. Many coffee shops and restaurants in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem have set out on a mission to serve the best Israeli breakfast today. They are closely rivaled by hotels, each of which have more elaborate spreads than the next. Israelis love going to hotels in large part thanks to the remarkable food, including breakfast!

Can’t make it to one of these great places? Don’t worry! You can make Israeli breakfast at home.

Everything you MUST know about Israeli Breakfast - Israeli Box (3)

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How to make Israeli breakfast?

Israeli breakfast is all about great food, abundance and presentation. So, before you get started, make sure to find some of your favorite small bowls and plates to make the full Israeli experience (hint: our Israeli breakfast box will help you with this!).

The first step in making a great Israeli breakfast is to plan your meal. Which type of eggs do you want to make? Which salads will you include? Israeli salad only? Tuna salad? Which dips will you include? What type of cheeses will you add to your table? Which bread will you have, homemade or from a bakery?

Once you’ve narrowed in on your breakfast choices, it’s time to get cooking! We’re including some of our favorite recipes here to help you get going.

When I’m making Israeli breakfast for my family, I like to begin with the salads. First, I chop up an Israeli salad (if you’re making in advance you can wait until serving time to add the olive oil and lemon!) and put it in one of my favorite serving dishes. I also like to whip up some tuna salad which goes great with any Israeli breakfast.

Afterwards, I take out my olives and the cheeses I’m serving. I like to add some homemade labeneh cheese with za’atar, hummus and of course, tehini!

Now it’s time for the eggs. What can I say, shakshuka is our go-to egg choice around here. Depending on my mood, I’ll add in various toppings and cheeses, or sometimes keep it simple and so delicious. No great shakshuka is complete without challah on the side (make it at home… it’s worth it!).

Once everything is ready, I make sure the table is set, put out some juices, make coffee (cold in the summer!) and it’s time to dig in.

Israeli breakfast, the ultimate way to start the day

There’s no better way to start a slow morning than with a gorgeous Israeli breakfast spread. Half of the fun is preparing the dishes, decorating the table, and enjoying a leisurely, slow breakfast surrounded by family and friends.

Be’tavon (enjoy your meal!)

Israeli food is the highlight of most family and friend get togethers as well as holidays. Want to learn more about Israeli culture? Check out these posts:

The 10 commandments for hosting a great gathering – Israeli style

Homemade Shakshuka

What do Israelis eat on Shabbat?

The 4 best Israeli shuks

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Israelibox sends Israel in a box straight to your home each month. Featuring small businesses and a monthly non-profit, there’s no better way to support Israel and enjoy its products at the same time.

Shalom, I’m Maya, a native Israeli (aka sabra) and the founder of Israelibox.
IsraeliBox is a subscription box that brings Israel closer to you than ever.

I started Israelibox to give you the chance to experience Israel like Israelis do.

Join me in supporting Israel in a unique way while enjoying the great products our small businesses have to offer.

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Everything you MUST know about Israeli Breakfast - Israeli Box (2024)
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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

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Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.