Elderberry Syrup Gummies Recipe (2024)

by Joy Kincaid 24 Comments

Elderberry syrup gummies are super easy to make and very kid-friendly! They’re my children’s favorite way to take their elderberry syrup!

Elderberry Syrup Gummies Recipe (1)

Homemade elderberry gummies will make taking elderberry syrup something your kids actually look forward to!

Why Take Elderberry Syrup?

In my post showing you how to make homemade elderberry syrup, we talked about all the benefits of elderberries.

Elderberries have been shown to possibly be effective in fighting the flu (among many other things). As stated on WebMD:

A specific elderberry juice syrup seems to relieve flu symptoms and reduce the length of time the flu lasts when taken by mouth within 48 hours of the first symptoms. Taking elderberry lozenges within 24 hours of the first symptoms also seems to reduce flu symptoms. Relief seems to occur within 2 to 4 days of treatment for most people. Taking a product that contains elderberry juice and echinacea also seems to relieve symptoms and reduce the length of time flu lasts. It seems to work similar to the prescription drug oseltamivir (Tamiflu).

Those are great reasons to try elderberry syrup during cold and flu season!

Elderberry Syrup Gummies

Despite the amazing benefits of elderberry syrup, my kids don’t always look forward to taking it. Unless I turn it into gummies, that is!

Whenever I have a batch of these in the refrigerator, they actually beg for them!

And, they’re a lot less messy than the syrup. These are a win/win!

Elderberry Syrup Gummies Recipe (2)

Supplies Needed to Make Elderberry Gummies

Elderberry Syrup Gummies Recipe (3)

You only need a few ingredients to take your elderberry syrup to the next level. Gelatin is the key ingredient!

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How to Make Elderberry Syrup Gummies

After making your homemade elderberry syrup (I make mine in the Instant Pot), it’s a simple process to turn that syrup into gummies.

Related Post: Instant Pot Elderberry Syrup

Don’t want to make your own? Find pre-made elderberry syrup gummies here.

Here’s how to make it.

Heat 1/2 cup water in a small saucepan until hot but not boiling.

Put 1 cup elderberry syrup in a large bowl and gradually sprinkle 1/4 cup gelatin on top. While gradually sprinkling the gelatin on the elderberry syrup, stir very gently with a fork to combine, just enough to moisten the gelatin powder.

Let the gelatin sit for a minute until it starts to gel a bit.

Elderberry Syrup Gummies Recipe (4)

Add hot water to gelatin/syrup mixture and whisk together until well-mixed and gelatin has dissolved.

Pour mixture into molds (or use a small dropper to carefully drop into the molds).My kids love the little gummy bear silicone molds.

The gummy bear mold we have comes with a dropper, which is handy.

Elderberry Syrup Gummies Recipe (5)

We also have a Lego one which is a favorite. If you don’t want to use a mold, you can also just put the gelatin into a glass dish and cut in squares after it firms up.

Elderberry Syrup Gummies Recipe (6)

Refrigerate for 1-2 hours or until firm.

Remove gummies from molds and place in an airtight container.

Elderberry Syrup Gummies Recipe (7)

Store in refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.

We take a few of these daily (depending on the size of the mold you used, the amount will vary) if we’ve been exposed to illness.

Elderberry Syrup Gummies Recipe (8)

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Elderberry Syrup Gummies

Elderberry syrup gummies are an easy way to get kids excited about taking elderberry syrup! First make your own elderberry syrup and then turn it into gummy bears with this simple recipe!

Keyword: elderberry syrup, elderberry syrup gummies

Author: Joy at Artful Homemaking


  • 1/2 cup water
  • 1 cup elderberry syrup
  • 1/4 cup gelatin


  • Heat 1/2 cup water in a small saucepan until hot but not boiling.

  • Put 1 cup elderberry syrup in a large bowl and gradually sprinkle 1/4 cup gelatin on top. While gradually sprinkling the gelatin on the elderberry syrup, stir very gently with a fork to combine, just enough to moisten the gelatin powder. Let the gelatin sit for a minute until it starts to gel a bit.

  • Add hot water to gelatin/syrup mixture and whisk together until well-mixed and gelatin has dissolved.

  • Pour mixture into molds (or use a small dropper to carefully drop into the molds).

  • Refrigerate for 1-2 hours or until firm.

  • Remove gummies from molds and place in an airtight container.

  • Store in refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.


We take a few of these daily (depending on the size of the mold you used, the amount will vary) if we've been exposed to illness.

Supplies Used in This Post

Thanks so much for stopping by!

Related Posts:

  • Instant Pot Elderberry Syrup Recipe
  • How to Make Elderberry Syrup on the Stove Top

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Elderberry Syrup Gummies Recipe (9)

Elderberry Syrup Gummies Recipe (10)

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. Read my full disclosurehere. Sharinghere.

Elderberry Syrup Gummies Recipe (2024)


Do elderberry gummies work as well as elderberry syrup? ›

The syrup is absorbed most quickly by the body—whereas if you take elderberry gummies, capsules, lozenges, or teas, they're less potent and/or take longer for the body to digest. Not to mention, the gummies often have added sugar.

Do homemade elderberry gummies need to be refrigerated? ›

Pop your bears out and into an air-tight container and store in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. Serving size is whatever you choose, but I tend to give the kids about 4 elderberry gummies each.

How much homemade elderberry syrup should I take daily? ›

Preventative Use: Take 1 teaspoon daily during the cold and flu season. During Illness: Increase to 1 teaspoon 3 times a day at the onset of symptoms.

Which form of elderberry is most effective? ›

However, studies have shown that elderberry syrup is the most effective form of elderberry supplement for immune support.

Do elderberry gummies actually work? ›

They seem to help reduce swelling, fight inflammation, and boost the immune system. Limited studies have found that elderberry eases flu symptoms like fever, headache, sore throat, fatigue, cough, and body aches. The benefits seem to be greatest when started within 24 to 48 hours after the symptoms begin.

What not to mix with elderberry? ›

Possible Interactions
  • Diuretics (water pills). Diuretics help the body get rid of excess fluid and increase the amount of urine your body makes. ...
  • Diabetes medications. Elderberry may lower blood sugar levels. ...
  • Chemotherapy. ...
  • Laxatives. ...
  • Theophylline (TheoDur). ...
  • Drugs that suppress the immune system.

Can you eat too many elderberry gummies? ›

There is a downside to consuming too much elderberry, and that is an upset stomach. Just like with any high fiber fruit, eating too much can cause stomach pain, upset stomach, and diarrhea.

Does elderberry gummies go bad? ›

Below are a few facts about our Elderberry Gummies:

One year shelf life.

What is the best time of day to take elderberry gummies? ›

Although there is no specific time of day to take elderberry, you'll maximize its benefits by using it consistently on a regular basis. You can choose whether to use it morning, afternoon or evening. It may be best to use elderberry for short periods of time to support healthy immune function, and then take a break.

Can you overdo elderberry? ›

Ripe, cooked elderberry fruit is considered safe to eat in moderation. As with several other fruits, eating a lot of elderberry fruit can cause: Diarrhea. Stomachache.

What happens if you take too much elderberry syrup? ›

Elderberry syrup, gummies, and juice are made from processed berries, which remove the poisonous compounds to make them safe to digest. The common side effects of taking raw elderberry plant products, such as fruit, flower, leaves, bark, or root include: Stomach problems. Nausea and vomiting.

How long to cook elderberries to remove cyanide? ›

Cooking elderberries is not just a culinary step; it's a safety measure. To neutralize toxins, specifically cyanide-inducing glycosides, heat treatment is a must. Boiling elderberries for at least 30 minutes is the go-to method. This ensures the destruction of harmful compounds.

What is better Ashwagandha or elderberry? ›

While Elderberry primarily targets immune health, upper respiratory health, allergies, and acts as an anti-viral - Ashwagandha benefits the brain, lung function, and relieves stress. Put the two together, and you have powerful herbs that benefit so many parts of the body.

What is stronger than elderberry? ›

However, the Aronia is said to be more nutritional than the Elderberry due to its antioxidant-rich property and higher vitamin & mineral content. They are also able to improve blood circulation, particularly beneficial to those who suffer from high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

Is liquid elderberry better than gummies? ›

Elderberry syrup is often considered a more traditional way of taking elderberries. In addition to the elderberries, these syrups often contain other immune-supporting ingredients like echinacea, vitamin C, and zinc, making them a more comprehensive immune-support supplement.

Is it good to take elderberry gummies everyday? ›

Elderberries offer excellent nutrition that contains antioxidants and vitamin C, which can boost the immune system among other benefits. Yes, you can take elderberry supplements daily, even three to four times a day. However, you should not take more than the recommended daily dose.

Do elderberry gummies prevent you from getting sick? ›

Elderberry is commonly used for the common cold, flu, high cholesterol, and many other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support most of these uses, with the possible exception of the flu. There is also no good evidence to support using elderberry for COVID-19.

How many elderberry gummies should I take when sick? ›

Elderberry Gummies

The recommended dose for daily immune support* is: Adults and kids age 4 and up: 1-2 gummies per day.

Can you take elderberry gummies daily? ›

Yes, you can! You can safely take elderberry daily as long as you follow the recommended dosage instructions. Elderberry is safe to take all year round. Our Nature Made Elderberry Gummies with Vitamin C & Zinc can be taken daily, as long as they are taken within the recommended daily dosage for adults and children.

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