Asian Ramen Slaw (Easy, 10 Minute Recipe) (2024)

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Everybody loves this tangy, crunchy, easy, 10-minute Asian ramen slaw. So delicious and ridiculously simple!

Asian Ramen Slaw (Easy, 10 Minute Recipe) (1)

There are a million ways you can make this Asian ramen slaw, but I wanted to give y’all the easiest version! This version is all assembly – no cooking, and barely any chopping, required!Because things don’t need to be complicated to be delicious.

I am using a bag of pre-shredded cabbage/ coleslaw mix, some pre-sliced almonds, crushed ramen noodles and green onions. This is literally opening a few bags, and dumping them in a big bowl. It doesn’t get much easier than that!

Asian Ramen Slaw (Easy, 10 Minute Recipe) (2)

Asian slaw dressing – honey sesame soy

What type of dressing goes best on this crunchy Asian ramen slaw? I am sure there are plenty of store-bought options. But! I dare you to try my homemade version of this honey sesame soy dressing. Yum!

This dressing tastes amazing and really gives the slaw amazing flavor. Don’t worry! It only takes a minute to mix up, and it is a pretty simple combination: rice vinegar, oil, soy sauce, honey and toasted sesame oil.

Asian Ramen Slaw (Easy, 10 Minute Recipe) (3)

The flavors just compliment each other so well. YUM!

Asian Ramen Slaw (Easy, 10 Minute Recipe) (4)

Asian slaw toppings

So what toppings go best on this slaw? You don’t really need any. It tastes great as is.

But! As an optional topper, I added some sesame seeds. These add visual interest more than anything. You already have the flavor of the toasted sesame oil, so you don’t really need it! But if you have some and feel so inspired, sprinkle some on top.

Asian Ramen Slaw (Easy, 10 Minute Recipe) (5)

Confession: I have a jar of sesame seeds leftover from that make-my-own-sushi phase I went through a while back. Ha! I have since decided that I prefer to let somebody else make the sushi…LOL! I enjoy it more when I don’t have to make it.

And! I was Buying a lot of specialty ingredients that I never used on anything else. And throwing away a lot of them as they would spoil. These sesame seeds are the one lastsouvenir from the phase.

Toast the ramen?

When my mom makes Asian ramen slaw, she always toasted up the ramen in a skillet with some butter. It is soooo delicious!

Also, I have heard others talk about toasting it in the oven, along with the almonds first. While tasty, these things are not totally necessary in my opinion.

Optional add-ins

I have seen others add things like mandarin oranges, edamame and a whole bunch of other add-ins. Knock yourself out if you want to try any of that!

But this is always the base recipe, and the easiest go-to that I always enjoy. Especially for such minimal effort.

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Asian Ramen Slaw Recipe

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Asian Ramen Slaw (Easy, 10 Minute Recipe) (6)

4.58 from 7 votes


Asian Ramen Slaw - Easy, 10 Minute Recipe

Everybody loves this tangy, crunchy, easy, 10-minute Asian ramen slaw. So delicious and ridiculously simple!

Course Salad, Side Dish

Cuisine Asian

Keyword asian ramen slaw, asian slaw

Prep Time 10 minutes

Total Time 10 minutes

Servings 8

Calories 381 kcal

Author Marjorie @APinchOfHealthy


For the honey soy vinaigrette dressing

  • 1/3 cup rice vinegar, plain
  • 2/3 cup oil (I used avocado oil, but vegetable or canola work as well)
  • 1 Tablespoon toasted sesame oil (I am using Trader Joe's)
  • 1 Tablespoon soy sauce or Tamari (I used low sodium)
  • 2 Tablespoons honey

For the slaw

  • 1 bag coleslaw mix (16 ounce bag)
  • 2 packs ramen noodles, uncooked, any flavor, 3 ounce packs (I discard the seasoning mix)
  • 4 stalks green onions, sliced
  • 1 cup thin sliced almonds


For the dressing

  1. Measure out the rice vinegar, avocado oil, sesame oil, soy sauce and honey into a jar with a tight-fitting lid.

  2. Place the lid on, and shake to combine; set aside.

For the slaw

  1. Crush the ramen within the unopened pack, using the end of a wooden spoon.

  2. Add the slaw mix (discard the dressing if it came with any - mine did not) to a large mixing bowl.

  3. Add the almonds, broken ramen (discard seasoning mix) and green onions to the bowl.

  4. Add the dressing, and toss to combine.

  5. Optional: sprinkle with sesame seeds for garnish, if desired.

Recipe Video

Recipe Notes

You can toast up the ramen in a skillet with some butter, if desired. Or toast it in the oven for a few minutes with the almonds on a sheet pan. Don't worry, the slaw is really delicious even if you don't do this!

If you are making this ahead, I would suggest keeping the ramen separate, and then tossing in the ramen just prior to serving to preserve crunch.

Nutrition Facts

Asian Ramen Slaw - Easy, 10 Minute Recipe

Amount Per Serving

Calories 381 Calories from Fat 261

% Daily Value*

Fat 29g45%

Saturated Fat 4g25%

Sodium 511mg22%

Potassium 246mg7%

Carbohydrates 24g8%

Fiber 3g13%

Sugar 7g8%

Protein 6g12%

Vitamin A 115IU2%

Vitamin C 21.9mg27%

Calcium 69mg7%

Iron 1.7mg9%

* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

Note: This post originally appeared on A Pinch of Healthy January 18, 2017.

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Asian Ramen Slaw (Easy, 10 Minute Recipe) (2024)
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