8 Herbs & Spices Every Italian Cook Needs in Their Kitchen (2024)

Italian cuisineis among the tastiest, freshest, most versatile foods in the Mediterranean.

Aside from pizza, pasta, and pastries, Italians love to eat fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs and spices, as well as freshly-caught seafood. Still, with all this food, Italian cuisine is considered amongthe healthiest in the world.

Wondering what their secret is? Here are 8 Italian cooking spices and herbs you can use to bring the taste of Italian cuisine to your kitchen.

1. Basil

Basil is an aromatic herb essential to many Italian dishes, especially pesto. You can use it fresh in salads, dressings, or other cold dishes. Dried basil is also delicious in stews, soups, roasted meat, and sauces.

2. Thyme

Thyme is one of the main herbs in Italian cooking with a subtle minty flavor and a sweet and strong scent. Dried thyme is mainly added to stews, meat, and roasted potatoes.

Fresh thyme is mostly used in salads and dressings as it has a slightly more pungent flavor than dried. Thyme pairs perfectly with fresh garlic and lemon.

3. Oregano

Oregano is atypical Italian herb mainly used in pizza and pasta sauces. It's one of the most versatile spices to have at home as you can add it to stews, meat dishes, salads, and salad dressings.

4. Rosemary

Rosemary is a classic Italian seasoning that gives meals a distinct herbal flavor and aroma. It pairs best with garlic and lemon and Italians love to use it freshor dried in chicken dishes, pasta dishes, salads, and sauces.

5. Sage

One of the most aromatic herbs in Italian cuisine is sage. You can use it on pasta, risotto, roasted potatoes, lasagna, chicken, and fatty meats.

Fresh sage pairs with fresh homemade cheese, pastries, marinades, and even freshcompound butter.

6. Bay Leaves

Bay leaves are an essential part of Italian cuisine and are mostly added to soups, stews, and sauces to enrich their flavor.

Though you can't (and shouldn't) eat a whole bay leaf, adding them to meals will give them a taste you'll never forget.

7. Parsley

Parsley, specifically the flat-leaf variety, is astaple in Italian cuisine. It goes great with seafood, fish, stews and soups, as well as salads.

Whether you prefer it dried or fresh, parsley will give a rich flavor to pasta sauces, salad dressings, and is especially delicious sprinkled on top of a pizza.

8. Marjoram

Marjoram is similar to oregano but it has a milder taste and a slightly more floral aroma. You can use it fresh or dried and add it to all kinds of Italian dishes, salads and salad dressings, sauces, marinade, and stews.

Both oregano and marjoram have a pretty strong flavor, so we recommend using them in moderate amounts so as not to overpower the flavor of the meal.

These Italian Cooking Spices Will Make Your Dishes Fresh and Flavorful

Whether this is your first time preparing Italian dishes or you're an experienced home cook, these cooking spices will transport you to Italy with every bite.

If you need some cooking inspiration for your Italian meals, read about the5 most iconic foods to try in Italy and that you can make at home.

8 Herbs & Spices Every Italian Cook Needs in Their Kitchen (2024)


8 Herbs & Spices Every Italian Cook Needs in Their Kitchen? ›

Basil (ital. "basilico") is probably the best known and most popular herb in Italian cuisine. It is also called the royal herb. No wonder, after all, it "ennobles" many dishes: for example, the antipasti classic Caprese with fruity tomatoes or a wonderfully aromatic pesto with fresh, homemade pasta.

What herb is often used in Italian cooking? ›

Basil (ital. "basilico") is probably the best known and most popular herb in Italian cuisine. It is also called the royal herb. No wonder, after all, it "ennobles" many dishes: for example, the antipasti classic Caprese with fruity tomatoes or a wonderfully aromatic pesto with fresh, homemade pasta.

What are the 20 commonly used herbs in the kitchen? ›

The 20 commonly used herbs in the kitchen are: basil, parsley, cilantro, mint, rosemary, thyme, oregano, sage, chives, dill, tarragon, marjoram, fennel, lavender, lemon balm, lovage, sorrel, savory, bay leaf, and lemongrass. These herbs are versatile and can be used in a variety of dishes.

Do Italians use black pepper? ›

Pepper — “Fresh ground pepper?” Black pepper is nearly as common as salt in all types of cooking, but you'd never be caught dead with a pepper shaker in an Italian restaurant. Whole black peppercorns should be ground at the table or straight into the cooking pot.

What are the 9 Italian herbs? ›

basil, oregano, parsley, rosemary,thyme, marjoram,sage, sea salt, black pepper. We use marjoram, oregano, basil, thyme and bay leaf in Italian. If you can't have fresh then perhaps roast the dry seasonings together in a hot cast iron skillet, dry.

Do Italians use paprika? ›

In Italy, paprika is used in sauces to go with seafood as well as in many of their risottos, cheeses, and even as a sauce for chocolate soufflé. In France, paprika is used in stews like 'Chicken basquaise'.

What is the sweet smelling herb used in Italian cuisine? ›

“Sweet and fragrant basil brings out the sweetness in tomatoes and is used in many tomato-based Italian dishes including pizza, pasta, and marinara sauce.”

What is the healthiest herb? ›

Here are 10 of the world's healthiest herbs and spices, supported by research.
  • Ginger Can Treat Nausea and Has Anti-Inflammatory Properties. ...
  • Fenugreek Improves Blood Sugar Control. ...
  • Rosemary Can Help Prevent Allergies and Nasal Congestion. ...
  • Garlic Can Combat Sickness and Improve Heart Health.
Feb 15, 2023

What is the staple herb of Italian cuisine? ›

6 Fresh Herbs Commonly Used in Italian Cuisine
  • Basil: The King of Italian Herbs. ...
  • Rosemary: A Fragrant Emblem of the Mediterranean. ...
  • Parsley: The Unsung Hero. ...
  • Thyme: Tuscan Treasure. ...
  • Oregano: The Essence of Southern Italy. ...
  • Mint: A Refreshing Finale.
Mar 25, 2024

Does Italian food use a lot of spices? ›

Italians don't use a lot of spices or sauces to enhance their dishes. So, don't try to overcomplicate Italian recipes with extra ingredients or fancy cooking techniques. Just keep it simple, and let the natural flavours of the ingredients do the talking!

Do Italians season their food? ›

Italians use ingredients that are fresh and subtly seasoned and spiced.

What is Italian seasoning the same as mixed herbs? ›

Italian Seasoning: Mediterranean Flavors

It typically contains a combination of dried basil, oregano, rosemary, thyme, and marjoram. Sometimes, sage, cilantro, and red pepper flakes may be included in the mix. Unlike Herbs de Provence, Italian seasoning does not contain lavender.

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