7 Tips to Take Care of Newborn Baby - Northwoods Pediatric Center P.A. (2024)

7 Tips to Take Care of Newborn Baby - Northwoods Pediatric Center P.A. (1)

Your first few months with your newborn can be the most wonderful and rewarding experience of your life. However, these initial months can also be overwhelming, exhausting, and challenging, especially for first-time parents who don’t know even the basics of parenting.

The thought of bathing your baby, deciding on their feed timing, and figuring out a swaddle can make you feel nervous. But the good news is that with some practice and time, you’ll be able to find your groove.

Let’s talk about some tips you can follow to feel confident about caring for your newborn and where you can go for outstanding pediatric care in The Woodlands, TX.

Tip #1 Hold Them Gently and in the Right Way

Research has supported that babies held for approximately 2 hours a day thrive better and cry less.

Your newborn may feel delicate and fragile to you, and you may be afraid to touch, hold or handle them, especially if you haven’t spent much time around newborns. But don’t be afraid of holding or handling them.

And when you hold them, hold them in the right way, i.e., support their head against your opposite hand or shoulder when you carry them upright or lay them down. You must also never shake your newborn during play or due to frustration, as shaking may cause traumatic brain injury.

Tip #2 Feed Your Baby Frequently

All that babies do in their early months is eat, eat, and eat. No food is best for your newborn than breastmilk, which is recommended for at least six months. However, formula milk is recommended in some instances where the mother doesn’t produce enough breast milk or where there is trouble establishing a good latch.

So, whether you are breastfeeding or using formula milk, feed them frequently – at least 8 to 12 times in 24 hours. Also, feed them the right amount during each feed.

Tip#3 Understand Their Sleeping Timetable

When babies don’t eat, they probably sleep. At first, babies sleep about 16 to 17 hours a day– but in short bursts. This means you will constantly have to stay alert, which can exhaust you more than you ever thought.

Even though exceedingly difficult at first, it’s a good idea to understand the sleeping timetable of your baby and take a nap when your baby sleeps. Also, place your baby on their back to sleep to reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome.

Tip #4 Massage Them Often

Research has supported the idea of giving a massage to your baby. Infant massage calms the body and makes the baby feel comfortable. It also makes your baby less irritable and improves their sleep pattern. You can use a safe and effective oil for infant massage.

Tip #5 Learn Baby Bathing Basics

Bathing the newborn is one of the hardest things for new parents. You should not bathe your baby frequently as it may cause their skin to dry. A good rule of thumb is bathing your infant two to three times a week once their cord stump dries and falls off.

Arrange all the bathing supplies before you take the baby for a bath so that you don’t leave your child alone to get a supply. Always use lukewarm water to prevent chills. You can learn bathing techniques from your pediatrician.

Tip #6 Check and Change Diaper Regularly

The frequency of bowel movement varies from baby to baby. A baby who gets sufficient breast milk or formula milk wets at least 6 to 8 diapers a day, along with regular bowel movements. A soggy diaper can lead to discomfort and diaper rash for your baby. So as soon you feel the baby’s diaper is wet, change it.

Letting your baby enjoy at least 2 hours a day without a diaper is a good idea.

Tip #7 Spend Quality Time with Your Baby

Bonding with and soothing is the most enjoyable part of newborn care. Physical bonding with the child also promotes emotional fondness. So, when your baby is awake, pay attention to them, talk with them, and get to know them.

Remember to stay close to their face when talking to them so that they can see your face and expressions.

Newborn Doctor in The Woodlands, TX

Caring for your newborn can be hard. So, it’s a good idea to get help from a pediatrician. At Northwoods Pediatric Center, our highly trained, skilled, and compassionate pediatricians can take care of your child’s health and wellness and educate you on how to care for your baby and understand them. For the optimal health of your child, we also offer well-child visits, sick-child, vaccination, and much more.

If you would like to schedule an appointment with one of ourcompassionate pediatriciansin The Woodlands, call us today at (281) 296-7770 or fill out ouronline request form.

7 Tips to Take Care of Newborn Baby - Northwoods Pediatric Center P.A. (2024)
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