5 Tips on How to Afford a Baby | Santander Bank (2024)

We’ve all heard it: If you wait until you can afford the cost of children, you’ll never have any. It’s true that having and raising children is an incredibly expensive proposition. Parents of babies born in 2015 willspend more than $230,000on their kids over their first 18 years—and that’s not including college.

If how to afford a baby seems like a daunting challenge but you’re still excited to start your family, know that it’s possible. Making a few smart money moves listed below, now, will get you on the right financial path by the time your little bundle of joy arrives.

1. Build up your emergency fund.

It’s always important to have a rainy-day fund. This is especially true once kids come along and bring with them higher chances of unplanned expenses popping up. Prepare bybuilding an emergency fundof at least three to six months’ worth of expenses in an easily-accessible account.

2. Practice living on a budget.

Your expenses are going to climb after the baby arrives, so start scaling back your spending now. Go line-by-line through your monthly expenses to determine your “wants” versus “needs.” Small changes like cutting back on one meal out per week and slimming down your cable package could save you hundreds each month. Changing habits can be hard at first, but once you’re looking into your baby’s eyes, you won’t mind that you made those choices.

3. Read the fine print on your health insurance.

Jumping to the family health insurance plan is expensive, but as new parents you’ll likely be glad to have it. Today, many plans cover preventative care and immunizations, but be sure to check your options carefully. It’s possible that other doctor visits may require you to cover a copayment or co-insurance fee. Use the calculators on your insurer’s website to see how your potential out-of-pocket costs on your current plan compare with other available options. The good news: Having a baby is a “qualified life event,” which means that you don’t have to wait until open enrollment to switch plans.

4. Research the cost of childcare.

Make sure you and your partner are on the same page about who’ll care for your child as well as the cost associated with your choice. If one of you plans to stop working to take care of the baby, adjust your budget to account for the lost income. Thinking about how to afford daycare or a nanny might seem stressful at first, but take a beat and plan how you’ll cover those costs. These options average around$10,000 per year, per child for daycare or nearly $30,000for a full-time, in-home nanny.

5. Get a head start on college savings.

It’s never too early to start saving for your child’s college education; but before opening a college savings account, establish your emergency fund and pay down any high-interest debt. One of the best places to stash college savings is a 529 account, which allows money to grow tax-free until you tap it for qualified educational expenses.

Like all security investments, money put into a 529 account will fluctuate in value and could lose principle in a market downturn. Talk with your financial advisor about the appropriate mix of investments for your risk tolerance and time horizon—plus how and when to adjust it as your child gets older.

Opening an account in your child’s name requires their Social Security number. If you want to get started before they’re born though, you can open the account in your own name and roll it over to your child later.

So, How Much Money Covers the Cost of Children?

There’s no set dollar amount for when you’ll be ready to have children. No matter how well you prepare, you’re bound to encounter some surprises. But if you take care of these financial tasks ahead of time, it could help make life less stressful later on, when you’d rather sleep, stare at your baby and… did we mention sleep?

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5 Tips on How to Afford a Baby | Santander Bank (2024)


5 Tips on How to Afford a Baby | Santander Bank? ›

Ask Family & Friends for support

Not only are loved ones indispensable for helping you raise your newborn, if they are in a position to help you out financially in a small way, or even offer some free childcare then this is a great way of being able to afford a baby.

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Ask Family & Friends for support

Not only are loved ones indispensable for helping you raise your newborn, if they are in a position to help you out financially in a small way, or even offer some free childcare then this is a great way of being able to afford a baby.

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Affording a second child: How to make your budget work
  1. Think twice about upsizing. ...
  2. Be frugal about baby gear. ...
  3. Weigh your childcare options. ...
  4. Watch out for sneaky expenses. ...
  5. Prioritize financial goals in your new budget.
Oct 10, 2023

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6 Financial Planning Tips for New Parents
  1. Consider insurance—both life and disability. ...
  2. Increase your emergency fund. ...
  3. Take advantage of tax breaks. ...
  4. Start saving for college now. ...
  5. Prioritize retirement savings. ...
  6. Update your estate planning documents.

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But that's not the only way you can save money.
  1. Buy in Bulk. If you're not buying in bulk, you're missing out! ...
  2. Accept Gifts From Friends and Family. ...
  3. Start Couponing. ...
  4. Buy Generic. ...
  5. Look Into Tax Deductions. ...
  6. See What Insurance Can Cover. ...
  7. Join Buy/Sell/Trade Groups. ...
  8. Don't Shy Away From Secondhand Goods.

How to afford a newborn? ›

Your expenses are going to climb after the baby arrives, so start scaling back your spending now. Go line-by-line through your monthly expenses to determine your “wants” versus “needs.” Small changes like cutting back on one meal out per week and slimming down your cable package could save you hundreds each month.

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If you are pregnant but can't afford pregnancy, you have three main options—assistance with parenting, adoption, and abortion.

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The cheapest way to give birth is usually at home. With a home birth, you aren't paying the enormous hospital fees, but there are also more risks involved. Delivering at a birthing center can also be cheaper than a hospital birth.

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Admit it. Babies are cute, but they come with a big price tag. According to USAFacts.org, as of 2022 the average middle-income family could expect to spend between $16,007 and $17,141 on child-related expenses each year. For newborns, the cost can be even higher.

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How to save money on your pregnancy and delivery
  1. Know your benefits. If you have insurance, now's the time to become an expert in your plan benefits. ...
  2. Go in-network. ...
  3. Write it down. ...
  4. Get to know your hospital. ...
  5. Compare your prenatal options. ...
  6. Go second-hand. ...
  7. Take care of your own health.

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Budgeting when you're pregnant
  1. Step 1 – take stock of your money.
  2. Step 2 – review joint finances.
  3. Step 3 – cut back on your expenses.
  4. Step 4 – reduce your debts.
  5. Step 5 – open a savings account.
  6. Step 6 – boost your income.
  7. Keep track of important dates.

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Conduct a Financial Health Check

Before diving into baby-specific costs, get a clear snapshot of your current financial situation. Understand your assets like cash, savings, investments, and property. Also be sure to note your liabilities including loans, taxes, and other financial commitments.

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First Steps for Your Baby's Financial Future
  • Consider a 529 account for college savings.
  • Designate different accounts for other needs.
  • Create a plan.
  • Don't forget your daughter's financial education.

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Don't be afraid to buy used baby items

This small act of kindness helped us immensely! Finding used items to buy for baby will help save you a ton of money. Baby items get used so fast and so little usually buying them used gets you a mint condition products at half the price.

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According to experts at the Institute of Financial Planning, parents should aim to have at least three months' income put aside for emergencies before their baby arrives.

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The U.S. Department of Agriculture says that parents can expect to spend around $233,610 (or $284,570 including projected inflation) to raise a child born in 2015—and that doesn't include the cost of college. In short, if you're thinking of having a baby, it's a good idea to start financially preparing for a baby.

How much should I budget for having a baby? ›

Babies are cute, but they come with a big price tag. According to USAFacts.org, as of 2022 the average middle-income family could expect to spend between $16,007 and $17,141 on child-related expenses each year. For newborns, the cost can be even higher.

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On average, UK adults anticipate needing to earn £37,159 before having their first child, according to new research by financial advice and wealth management group Evelyn Partners, formerly known as Tilney Smith & Williamson. This compares with the UK's annual average salary of £31,772.

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