17 Healthy Lunches For People Who Hate Salad (2024)

17 Healthy Lunches For People Who Hate Salad (2)

Jenny Chang / BuzzFeed

1. Buffalo Chicken Burrito Bowls

17 Healthy Lunches For People Who Hate Salad (3)


You can also customize it with whatever veggies you like best. Here's the recipe.

2. Green Goddess Sandwiches

17 Healthy Lunches For People Who Hate Salad (4)


Anything with this much basil can't NOT be delicious. Here's the recipe.

4. Grilled Chicken Veggie Bowls

17 Healthy Lunches For People Who Hate Salad (6)


With directions that make it easy to make a week's worth at once. Here's the recipe.

5. Zucchini Noodles With Kale Pesto

17 Healthy Lunches For People Who Hate Salad (7)


Great for lunch IF you can avoid eating the entire batch of kale pesto when you make it the night before. Here's the recipe.

6. Spanakopita Quesadillas

17 Healthy Lunches For People Who Hate Salad (8)


Featuring eggs for protein and a little bit of feta for CHEESINESS. Here's the recipe.

7. Lentil and Sun-Dried Tomato Hummus Wrap

17 Healthy Lunches For People Who Hate Salad (9)


With whatever veggies you desire in the middle. Here's the recipe.

8. DIY Starbucks Protein Box

17 Healthy Lunches For People Who Hate Salad (10)

9. Slow-Cooker Tomato, Kale, and Quinoa Soup

17 Healthy Lunches For People Who Hate Salad (11)


Make it on Sunday and eat it for lunch all week long. Here's the recipe.

10. Portabella Mushroom Pizzas

17 Healthy Lunches For People Who Hate Salad (12)


Like fancy grown up Lunchables, sort of. Roast them in the oven the night before, then just microwave for 45 seconds to heat 'em up before eating them for lunch. Here's the recipe.

11. Baked Chipotle Salmon With Freekeh, Chard, and Avocados

17 Healthy Lunches For People Who Hate Salad (13)


Don't let the freekeh freak-ah you out; it's delicious and easy to cook! Here's the recipe.

12. Roasted Vegetables With Shredded Chicken, Parsley, and Lemon

17 Healthy Lunches For People Who Hate Salad (14)

Lauren Zaser / Justine Zwiebel / BuzzFeed

Part of a two-week clean eating challenge, but also delicious just because. Here's the recipe.

13. Quinoa Tabouleh Collard Green Wraps

17 Healthy Lunches For People Who Hate Salad (15)


If you're not a vegetarian, you could also add in a few pieces of grilled chicken. Here's the recipe.

14. Kale, Sweet Potato, and Onion Frittata with an Apple

17 Healthy Lunches For People Who Hate Salad (16)

Lauren Zaser / BuzzFeed

Another recipe from a clean eating challenge; you'll need only half of the frittata for one lunch because it's super filling, but you could eat it over the course of two days. Here's the recipe.

15. Asian Chicken Lettuce Wraps

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16. Tart Cherry Tuna and Avocado Bowls

17 Healthy Lunches For People Who Hate Salad (18)


You don't HAVE to eat it out of the avocado peel, but you COULD. Here's the recipe.

17. Easy Lunch Wrap With Sweet Potato, Hummus, and Greens

17 Healthy Lunches For People Who Hate Salad (19)


You could pack the filling separate from the bread and assemble when it's time to chow down. Here's the recipe.

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    Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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    Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

    Birthday: 1993-07-01

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    Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.